Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Remembering the TODAY show....one year ago Today.

Today I am ­­­feeling very grateful because I am remembering where I was exactly one year ago at this very minute. I was sitting in the hotel room in New York City getting ready to appear on the TODAY show to share my story with the world. My, how my life has changed since then. Last year at this time, this Facebook group had approximately 30 members; today it is just a few shy of 1300. Last year at this time, only a handful of friends, colleagues, and family members knew about my miracle; today the story has circled the globe multiple times. Last year at this time, I was just a small-town, naïve girl who had been blessed with a miracle and wondering what on earth I was supposed to do with it; Today, well today….. I am still that girl…. Still wondering what God wants of me…..still searching for answers…..still fighting the fight to become a better, kinder, gentler person! 


So much has changed….and yet so much has stayed the same.  Ever  the same is GOD….He was, is, and always will be so good…so faithful….so present. To Him be all Glory.  Today, as I reflect on that day in NYC, I renew my commitment to this journey…and to all of you….that I will be here to support, encourage, and help you, much in the same way that you are here for me.  God has brought us together….the TODAY show, the other media stuff and interviews, the blog….all this stuff….was simply the tool that God used to connect us.  Don’t doubt that you are here for a reason. Don’t lose hope that you, too, are a miracle. Don’t give up on your dream. WE can do it….together!

For those that are new to this group, below is my journal entry for last year at this time, written before my television appearance. I thought perhaps you’d like to share in my memories of this day.  Make it a good day today, my friends!!!!



It’s here… the day has arrived, ready or not, here it is! It’s 5:30 am. I have been up already for two hours, enjoying the darkness and stillness of my room while my sister sleeps. I’m not sure what I’m feeling…a bit of apprehension, but not extreme stress….at least at this moment. That may come later as the time approaches. I’ve already had two cups of coffee and have been using this time to clear my mind of worry and just try to stay relaxed and focus. I received a comforting text right from a dear friend right before I drifted off to sleep and I think that it helped put me at ease. I’ve received so many emails and posts on Facebook and I know that there are so many people surrounding me with love, support, and mostly prayer. And after all… it’s only about 4 minutes…its’ really not that big of a deal, right?  I don’t know what will happen when I get to the studio…all I know is that the producer is picking me up at the hotel at 9:10 to escort me over to the Studio, through security clearance, for hair and make-up. I’ve not spoken to Joy Bauer or the hosts yet and I don’t know what they will be asking me or what the format will be. I have already taped a minute audio track telling a little about my story. This audio will be used as part of a video slide show segment full of my most unbecoming “Fat Pictures”.  That clip has been the most difficult for me to deal with. Knowing that in about 5 hours, pictures of me at my absolute worst will be shown across the country and will end up “permanently” out there on YouTube and the internet for the rest of my days has made me completely vulnerable. No longer will this “past Theresa” be a secret from those I meet. No longer will I be able to hide. No longer will my pain and sadness be buried deep within my heart. It will be embarrassing, humbling, and perhaps even a bit shameful for me to watch and to share with the world….and yet…it is that THERESA….that has made THIS THERESA…who I am today. It is those experiences…those losses, those moments of sadness and hurt…that have led me to this day…to this tremendous opportunity. It is those experiences and images that have helped to build character and strength, and will hopefully make me a kinder, more compassionate soul. It is that THERESA that you chose to befriend and love.  It is that THERESA that lives in this new THERESA. 

SO…with that being said… I suppose the only thing I should be feeling is complete, absolute gratitude…to GOD, and to you.  If I can capture those feelings and that gratitude, then I will be able to walk out on that set with confidence and joy….internal joy…and Physical JOY…JOY BAUER.  Isn’t it ironic that my life is filled with deep down, bubbling over kind of joy internally….and I am soon to be a part of the JOY FIT CLUB????  Coincidence????  I think not!!!  My sincere hope…is that someone…somewhere…will hear my story today, see it on the internet, read it in the paper, come across it on FB…wherever….that one person….will find hope, courage, inspiration to make a change in his/her life, and most importantly, I hope that God will be glorified in and through this experience.  He has brought me to this moment…at this point…all I can do is surrender this day to HIM and say…Here I am!  Keep the good thoughts and prayers coming. I’m going to need to be surrounded them.   I’ll be catching a flight home later this afternoon…once I get through the show, I can start getting mentally prepared for the flight.  THANK YOU!!!!  I hope I don’t disappoint you!   As that old cigarette commercial once said, “You’ve come a long way, baby!” Thanks for being a part of the journey.

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