Thursday, December 18, 2014

You most certainly CAN!

Good Morning.  It’s one week before Christmas and it is getting harder and harder to stay strong and focused on my journey. Fatigue….temptation…..anticipation…..anxiety…... and excitement are all words that seem to become a way of life this time of year.  Sometimes things can become overwhelming and it becomes harder to stay motivated. This is the time when temptation can overtake us… if…..we allow it to.

 Each day I remind myself that there will always be “something” that threatens to sabotage my efforts; the holidays is only ONE of the things. When I get through the holidays, it will be time for my college classes to begin and I’ll be even busier than I am now. Work, relationships, family responsibilities, weather, finances, illness….you name it…..are all a part of life and will challenge us every day of the year. On a daily basis I must remind myself that this journey is for LIFE….not just a period of time, so the concept that “I should just enjoy the holidays and then focus on my journey again in January” cannot even be entertained in my mind for even one minute.  Because you know what….January will come….and so will “other” things that threaten my commitment.  SO…. as difficult as it is to stay focused…..I simply must remain strong. Fortunately, I am not doing this alone; God is my strength and in my weakness, He is strong.

Today I have three….yes, THREE holiday celebrations: breakfast with my co-workers at a local café; an office potluck; and then a holiday celebration and gift exchange with a friend’s family.  THREE times when I will be challenged.....or THREE times in which I can strengthen my commitment: It’s all in how I choose to look at it.  I have no doubt that I will be make good choices…..why????  Because I believe that I can…..not on my own power…..but by the power of God……and because even though I may really want a stack of French Toast drenched in maple syrup for breakfast….I want to WALK; I want to learn to dance; I want to ride my bike this summer and walk down trails to unknown places; and I want to help others……MORE…..than I want that plate of French toast…..or a handful of Christmas cookies…..or any of the delicious treats that will surround me today.  Staying focused will not be easy…..but it is possible….and it is worth it! It’s all about choices….and commitment.

Today, in the midst of the pre-holiday chaos, I encourage you to take a couple of minutes to remind yourself that IF…and I say IF because many people choose to take a break during Christmas (that is perfectly okay; remember it’s YOUR journey, not mine)…..but IF….you really want to stay on track that YES….you can do it; YES…it is possible…YES, it is going to be hard, but it is so worth the effort!  Do what you can today to find peace in the stress; joy in the journey; and hope in the future.   

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