Saturday, July 19, 2014

Rain, rain go away

Good Morning..... I hope everyone is happy and well today.  I’m having a wonderful time thus far visiting my long-time friend, Joe Callahan, (gosh, has it really been 30+ years???) even though unexpected rain last night forced us to change the plan to attend a classic car show and concert in the park. However, my friend took me to see a hidden treasure in the midst of the city: a secluded grotto to Our Lady of Lourdes on the retreat center property of the Marianist Brothers. It was sprinkling, but getting a little damp was well worth the moment of seeing this beautiful wooded shine in the midst of gorgeous plants and flowers. Loved it! 

As we walked through the wooded trail, I couldn’t help but give thanks silently for the many blessings in my life, namely, the fact that I could even WALK down that path. The world is full of so many of these sights and experiences…..often taken for granted by others who do not know what it is like to be obese, addicted, disabled, depressed, sick, sad (whatever it is that hinders us and threatens to rob us of our joy and peace) and for so many years, I was unable to experience these types of moments.  Ironically, so many of these things existed around me…..and I never knew.  I often wonder….if I KNEW what life could be like, would I have done something sooner to get my life back?  Would I have tried sooner to lose weight; would I have sought counseling to deal with the grief of loss; would I have allowed myself to get to such a dark place? That is a question that I suppose I will never know the answer to.  Part of me says, YES, I always knew deep down that my weight was hindering me and I was CHOOSING not to do anything about it. I could not control those losses that I endured, but I could have dealt with them in a better way. It certainly is easier to deny my role and responsibility in my health and well-being and blame others and circumstances that happened to me, but another part of me believes whole-heartedly that all of this is in God’s time and that it was only when HE changed my mind-set and began to change my heart that this miracle could be set in motion. Obviously we have to cooperate with God, but before a miracle and change can be manifested in our bodies, we have to surrender our heart/mind/spirit so that God can transform our thoughts, which in turn will transform our bodies.

 If you are struggling in any way or having trouble ‘getting started’ or sticking to a plan, perhaps a prayer that God will change your heart and thoughts might be a better place to start than simply trying to revamp your entire eating plan; go cold turkey; or completely revamp your entire life. I’ve said this before, and it is a principle that I live by every day, “I believe, without a doubt that GOD CAN MOVE MOUNTAINS but we have to pick up the shovel and cooperate with Him.” It’s a partnership…..He has already done HIS part by dying on the cross; we have to do our part EVERY DAY by trying to be better people, treating others with kindness and compassion, making good choices for our minds, spirits, and bodies, and expressing GRATITUDE for all things….even the rain that alters our vacation plans. It is my daily prayer that God will change my heart and take over my life.

So….the rain cancelled last night’s plans….but the evening turned out to be pleasant anyway with great conversation, a lovely dinner in a quaint little diner, a drive through the country….AND… we stopped at a Goodwill store and I found my very first pair of Tommy Hilfiger jeans for $4.00!  Woot! Woot!  J  It’s raining and foggy again this morning so my plans to visit Cox Arboretum will likely be altered as well, but I’m sure the day will be wonderful anyway. I might just have to go garage saleing or shopping!  Hopefully, it will stop raining before the wedding this evening.

Make it a good day today….regardless of the weather….regardless of any disappointments that may come your way….regardless of whether someone lets you down today.  Choose to be happy and grateful…in spite of all things.  

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