Saturday, February 1, 2014

Hello February!

It's a new day.... a new month!  It's hard to believe that it is already February. How are you doing with your New Year's resolutions?  Me?  I've kept all but one. I had hoped to start writing my book with the goal of a chapter a month, but January came and went and I didn't even start it. In due time, I suppose, but I am just so completely busy ALL THE TIME with work, college classes, Ebay, little time.   At least I kept those resolutions that involved personal growth and wellness.
How did you do?  Today is a new chance to recommit to those resolutions...or to make new ones.  How do you want to spend the next 28 days?  What do you want to be different on March 1st?  What changes do you need to make today to ensure that you will be a healthier, happier, kinder person in March?   
Enjoy your day......and May February be a bit more gentle to us weatherwise than January was!

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