Sometimes we go through life day-in-and-day-out, oblivious
to our surroundings because we are busy or focused on other things that
preoccupy our thoughts. Often we just assume that things and people will always
be there; until one day….they’re not.
When did our parents or loved ones get old? How did Grandma’s memory fail or health
deteriorate right before our eyes? When
did the kids/grandkids/nieces or nephews grow up? How did I miss that? Too many times people die before we are ready
to let them go and we wished we had just one more day to tell them we love
them. Kids move out and we long for the smell of play-dough and cookie crumbs
on the table. We tend to ‘put things off” because we assume that we will have
plenty of time to do the things we want; see the things we’ve longed to; visit
the people we love; and make the changes in our life that will improve our health
and well-being. Unfortunately, we
sometimes run out time; we grow old; our health conditions become irreversible. We become oblivious to the sights, sounds,
and blessings around us….because we assume that they will always be there.
I’m guessing that
Lake Michigan is always going to be here for those in Petoskey to enjoy….but I won’t
be. I’m guessing that wind will continue
to blow and the waves will continue to pound the surf….but I won’t be here to
feel and hear it. I’m guessing that “life
will go on” long after I’ve departed this earth….but will it even matter that I
was once part of the living? While it
is absolutely true that I would not be sitting here in this luxurious suite, attending
a conference, and experiencing these new and wonderful things had I not took
the first step to change my life, I recognize that losing weight was only a
small part of my journey. Changing my
thoughts; changing my perspective; changing my attitude….and allowing God to
change and transform my mind and heart from within is far more important. The
weight loss is merely a visible sign of the invisible…but WAY MORE IMPORTANT….changes
in my life.
My guess is that if I asked several other average size
guests here about their stay; their thoughts; their experiences at this
conference, I’d likely not find many who are as deeply affected by this place
as I am. I didn’t see anyone walking the beach yesterday afternoon. I didn’t
see anyone on the balcony last night watching the sunset. Perhaps, it’s because
“they’ve been here before; they’ve seen the sun set over Lake Michigan many
times; they’ve other things that are important for them to do here; but
perhaps, it’s because they “always could….and assume that they always will”….be
able to do/see/feel the wonders around them. Maybe they’ve become immune. Maybe they just don’t realize what a big deal
it is for someone like me….who just a few years ago was dependent on a walker
or wheelchair just to get into the hotel….or someone like you….that “can’t”
right now….because of health, weight, addiction, fear, depression, anxiety, or ‘other
life issues that get in the way. Maybe they’re experiencing the place in their
own way; they’re on their own journey; expressing gratitude they’re own
way. Our individual journey is just
that; personal and our own.
I am blessed, no doubt, to have been able to stay in a place
like this for a few days but I am here only because the cost has been paid by
my employer. Otherwise, I would not be here. There are many of you…if not most….that
won’t be given an opportunity like this, either because of finances, health,
age, circumstances, or location….but LIFE and BLESSINGS and NATURE and LOVE are
free gifts. It may not be Lake Michigan….but even a puddle on the sidewalk can
be a wonder if you realize how blessed you are to have water and rain. There is no cost for the sound of the birds
singing in the trees….but it is a glorious sound if you realize how wonderful
it is to be able to hear. There is no
charge to look at trees against the sky, watch the sun rise or set, or feel the
wind on your face….but they are priceless moments when you realize how blessed
you are to see, feel, touch, and smell.
Life is a free gift…..what you do with it….how you experience it….how
you live it….and how you use it to make a difference for those around you….is a
CHOICE. To me… it’s an even more important
choice than what I eat for breakfast today, but I will eat oatmeal today….because
I want to continue to be able to experience LIFE like this. I will make choices
today that ensure that I keep the weight off so that I can continue to walk the
beach as long as my body remains healthy. I will choose to treat my body well
so that God can continue to use me to help others.
When you make good choices in your life…..beginning with how
you THINK….many of the other things in your life will begin to fall into place.
The scale is merely a reflection of your body mass. “See” the world with the eyes of gratitude; “Respond”
to the world with love and joy”; “Place
value” in people over things, and all the other things like weight, finances,
and relationships will begin to fall into place. Transformation begins in the heart and mind….and
then…..the body simply responds.
Have a wonderful day today….Be blessed….but more importantly….be
a blessing to someone else!
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