What good is the gift of a miracle - a brand new life....if i'm not going to spend every minute of it.....loving the best I can; helping whenever I can; giving thanks for all that I've been blessed with; laughing as much as possible; and having FUN at every opportunity! Happy Halloween! Spread joy all day................ Happy Halloween!
My name is Theresa Borawski and I have been blessed with a miracle! I have lost 275 pounds, without surgery or fad diets, and went from a wheelchair to a treadmill! This is my story! To read more about my miracle, visit my website: www.theresaborawski.net and/or join my Facebook group: WE CAN CHANGE OUR LIVES!
Friday, October 31, 2014
A Repeat of my thoughts from Halloween 2013....from youtube
Good morning…… Happy Halloween! Today will be day of fun for me. I am taking
a friend and her children “trick-or-treating” this evening after work. I have put together a costume…..and if I don’t
change my mind…. I will be dressed as a gypsy later this evening and walking
through town with Marcia and her children. As a woman of faith, I struggle with
the “dark side” of Halloween, and yet, the day provides me with an opportunity
to have fun and celebrate life….to rejoice, laugh, and give thanks. Below is a Youtube video that I made LAST
HALLOWEEN. While my costume will be different, many of the thoughts expressed
in the RERUN still ring true for me. I’ll upload this year’s picture later this
evening as I’m not planning on going to work dressed in a costume like I did
last year. I’ll change into it at the end of the day….before heading out to have
fun. And….just to add to the excitement….the
weather report is calling for 45 mph wind gusts and snow here in northern Michigan! Let the good times roll…… Stay away from the candy…..but partake in the
fun, laughter, and smile a lot! You’ll
be hearing from me later on today!
Thursday, October 30, 2014
Does ONE little change really make a difference?
Good Morning! I was
glancing through the news feed on
Facebook early this morning and noticed that someone had updated her profile
picture. I liked the picture and proceeded to write a comment telling her that I
thought the photo was lovely, only I had a typo and instead of a V, I typed a
N. Had I not noticed the error, my comment would
have said, “You look LONELY” rather than “You look Lovely.” Earlier this week an
instructor at the college asked me to contact a student who was struggling in
his class in an attempt to motivate him to do better. I composed an e-mail and,
fortunately, before I hit “send” I noticed
that I had made a simple typo and typed a W instead of a T; the sentence read, “ Your instructor has
informed me that you are now passing the class…….. instead of NOT passing” As I drank my coffee this morning, I couldn’t
help but reflect on these two incidents and thank God for encouraging me on my
journey. What???? You might be wondering…how
does a typo relate to her journey? What
is she talking about at 3:30 in the morning?
One little letter can completely change a sentence. Instead
of, “You are LOVELY, my comment would have been, “You are LONELY.” Big difference in meaning! Sure, a woman full of self-confidence; one who
feels beautiful, secure, empowered and a lot of other positive things may chuckle
and recognize a typo right away.
However, one is struggling to lose weight, is burdened by life issues,
is having a bad day, is feeling insecure, hopeless, or any other type of
negative thoughts could read, “You are lonely” and it could cause them pain or
hurt if she is indeed, feeling lonely or rejected. A stretch???? Perhaps, but any of you women
who have experienced PMS, any of you that have had a “straw that broke the
camel’s back” kind of moment, or one who has ever burst into tears at a comment
from a loved one, that on ANY OTHER DAY, would have just been “meaningless
words” knows exactly what I’m talking about.
Sometimes…..just ONE…..LITTLE…..THING; just ONE….MORE…..PROBLEM; just
ONE…..LITTLE……slight or comment or hurt or rejection or failure or……..can make
or break us. There is a big difference between
feeling LOVELY and feeling LONELY.
A student getting an e-mail that reads, “You are NOW passing
math” instead of “You are NOT passing…..” may respond differently depending
upon his commitment to his studies and how important it is to him to succeed in
the class. Telling someone that you are NOT going to attend their party is completely
different than telling him/her that you are NOW going to attend. ONE….LITTLE…..LETTER can change the meaning
of a word very quickly. A simple typo
in a sentence could alter the behavior of a reader.
Yesterday during class I was teaching my students about
financial literacy. I used the example of a person who buys a latte’ or other specialty
drink every morning on the way to school or work. Spending $4.00 per day on a cup of coffee may
not seem like a big deal; after all, it’s only four bucks. They were astounded
when I explained that while $4.00 per day didn’t seem like much, purchasing a
single latte’ just five days a week, added up to $20.00 per week…….more than
$1000.00 per year! These young people
looked at me wide-eyed and in disbelief when I told them that bringing a cup of
coffee from home, or treating themselves to a latte’ a few times a week rather
than every day, could have a dramatic impact on their bank account over the
course of a year. ONE…..LITTLE…..CHANGE…..in
behavior could mean the difference between having money in the bank or being in
While it is true that my life has changed dramatically over the
course of the past few years, this change did not happen overnight. I didn’t wake up 250+ lighter; I didn’t go
from a size 6X to a 12 in a few months; I
didn’t go from the wheelchair to a bicycle in one summer. It has been a journey of change…. ONE…..LITTLE……CHANGE…..at
a time. Ironically, while the physical changes
are quite obvious; they serve only as a visible reminder of the even bigger….and
far more important changes that have taken place: those changes in the mind and
heart. God changed my heart and my thoughts…and those changes, in turned,
helped me change my behavior.
When I started this journey I was completely addicted to
sugar and soda. I drank a 2-liter bottle
of Faygo peach soda every night when I got home from work and two bottles of
Mt. Dew each day. I never once thought
about how the soda was impacting my health until I looked at bottle on March 1,
2011 (the day I began my journey) and I quickly calculated how many calories a
week I was consuming…..just by drinking soda.
YIKES! I was drinking more than
7000 EMPTY calories a week….the equivalent to gaining two pounds a week….just
by drinking soda. No wonder I was gaining weight when I didn’t feel like I was
eating THAT much more than usual. What an eye-opening experience! How did I not know that? Truth be known; I probably KNEW how bad soda
was for me, but I chose NOT to do anything about it. And so….at that discovery…..I began to open
soda bottles and pour them down the drain. Right then….at that moment….I made
ONE….LITTLE….CHANGE…..that has dramatically changed my reality. Giving up soda completely didn’t come easily.
One of these days I’ll share my strategy for breaking the habit.
My journey has consisted of ONE…..LITTLE….CHANGE after
another. First came the transition from
soda to flavored water (a process that took several weeks). Switching from
eating four eggs or four pieces of toast at a time to three….and then two….were
little changes. Dumping the sugar and
replacing it with Splenda (yes, I know artificial sweeteners are not good for
me); buying canned fruit in natural juice instead of heavy syrup; switching
from white bread to 35-calorie-a slice bread were other little changes. These
little changes became a way of life.
Even if you are not ready to commit to a complete life changing journey;
are not ready to go “cold turkey” on giving up a habit; are not willing to give
up your way of eating, keep in mind that even small changes, done consistently
over time, will positively impact your life.
Today, I invite you to think about some little things that
you could do….and how it could improve your own life and the lives of those
around you. What would the result be…..one
year from now….. if you:
…………Parked your car on the other end of the parking lot
every day at work? Took the elevator UP
the stairs and walked down? Drank one
glass of wine instead of two or three?
Walked to the stop sign at the end of our road every day? These simple little changes alone could help
you lose 10 pounds or more in a year…without much effort.
……………….Said “Thank you…..I’m sorry……You look really nice
today……You did a great job….. I really appreciate you….” or any other positive
words every day to those you live with or work with. You have no idea how that
ONE…..LITTLE…..CHANGE…..will improve your relationships.
………….Replaced a king-size candy bar with a fun size one; two
scoops of ice cream with one; regular salad dressing with low fat; or potato chips
with air-popped popcorn. Although I don’t
recommend it, even eating a “Happy Meal” at a fast-food place rather than a
Super-sized one will cut calories. Baby steps are still steps in the right
………Looked at the world with a sense of gratitude for the
gift of life and the blessings you’ve been given, rather than focused on the things
that are NOT the way you’d like them; on the things that you DON’T have; tried
to see the positive/good in people and situations, instead of the negative.
God helped me change my life. He continues to help me change
my life…..each and every day… One
THOUGHT…..ONE STEP…..ONE DAY……ONE MEAL at a time. What is the ONE…..LITTLE…..CHANGE……you can
make today that will help you go from LONELY to LOVELY….FROM “you are NOT going
to be successful…to you are NOW going to be successful”…..or I “Can’t” to I “CAN.” You can do it…..I know you can!
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
An emotional farewell to my wheelchair
I shared with you in recent weeks that I was moved into a
new office at the college and a couple of weeks ago was the recipient of new
office furniture. Two weeks ago I was told that I needed to get rid of some of
the furniture that had been part of my ‘space” for several years. This included
a bookshelf, file cabinet, and the most difficult to part with….my motorized
wheelchair. That chair, once my mode of
transportation around the college, has been a part of my life for several
years, and although I have not had to use it to get around in about 2 ½ years,
it served as a powerful, visual reminder of the life I left behind….and a life
that could possibly be mine again……IF….I don’t make a daily choice to continue
to be faithful to a healthy lifestyle.
For the past couple of years, that chair sat in the corner
of my office with a sign that proclaimed, “Theresa Doesn’t Live Here Anymore!” Those words have become my mantra; are comprised
in the title of my blog and website; and very likely will be the title of ONE
of the books I will write in the future; likely my autobiography. The chair motivated
me on a daily basis and I used it to motivate students as well. When a student
would come to my office lamenting the struggles of math class and wanting to
drop out of college “because it is too hard; I just don’t think I can do it; it
seems impossible; you just don’t understand, Theresa” and other similar
conversations, I would often point out the chair and remind them that “YES….you
can do it….YES….I know it is hard and it seems impossible, but hard work pays
off” and so forth. That chair reminded
me of pain and struggle; heartbreak and despair; and victory and joy, all at
the same time. My heart sunk when I was
told last week that I could not keep the chair in my office any more.
When I thought about the chair being gone, my first thoughts
revolved around fear. “What if I need it
again….after all, I still have RA and even though I don’t need it now, I might
in the future because RA doesn’t go away and even average size people with RA
need mobility devices?” “What will
motivate me now to “keep on keeping on”; what will I use to motivate students?” “What will remind me of the grace of God and
the victory that He won for me?” So many other similar thoughts and emotions
began to flood my mind.
Although the chair
was part of my life for a very long time, it physically belongs to a relative
of a coworker who loaned me the chair many years ago. This means that I couldn’t
just take the chair home and store it in the garage….in case I need it….physically
or emotionally. It means that it needed
to be returned to the original owner…..or….passed on to someone who really
needs it; someone who would be as blessed and happy to have it as I was;
someone who would use it on a daily basis to ease his/her pain. The thought that someone else would be able
to use it gave me comfort, but I secretly hoped that somehow I could keep the
chair, even though that was unlikely. I do, however, still have my cane,
wheeled walker, and wheelchair as those things are mine; they just are not visible
to me on a daily basis. I decided that when the chair was removed, I would hang
a photo of the chair in my office: That surely would serve as the reminder of
my old life and someone else would have use of the chair – a Win-Win situation
or all!
On Monday afternoon, the co-worker who gave me the chair,
Connie, came to my office to get it. It was a bitter-sweet moment for me as she
removed the “Theresa doesn’t live here anymore sign” and drove the chair out of
my office. I admit I had a lump in my throat and fought back tears, but I realized
that it was time to let it go. After all I don’t need it anymore to get around.
I can walk freely and most of the time, without pain. “Thank you, Lord, Thank
you, Lord; you have set me free. Thank you, Lord, Thank you Lord for this
victory,” I prayed as she drove it away.
Connie told me that another co-worker, a wonderful friend and
member of this group, Norma, was going to be using the chair. My heart smiled
at this news because Norma is a beautiful soul and on a daily basis I watch her
struggle to take a few steps at a time. She is in constant pain, uses a cane,
and basically is where I was physically a few years ago. The thought that she
would be able to get around with ease filled me with joy (and knowing that the
chair was still in the building….just in case…. also provided me with comfort
and security in a weird “Theresa” kind of way.”
That chair will become a blessing to Norma in much the same way as it
is/was to me! Still….it will take a bit
of time to process the emotion I’m feeling.
As soon as the chair was out of my sight, I texted my dear friend,
Chuck, seeking comfort and wisdom. As usual, he said just what I needed to hear:
He told me that it was just like a tightrope walker who was confident enough to
walk the rope without a net. And he assured that he would be there to catch me
if I fall and would fly with me as I soar. What a blessing he is to me! YES, I
can walk; YES, I have been set free: YES, I am a walking-talking miracle…and
YES, God is good!
When I entered the college yesterday morning, I saw Norma.
She was using the chair to get from the entrance to the college to her office.
Although I wasn’t quite ready (had that familiar lump in my throat) to talk to
her at that time, I felt my heart smile. She WAS going to use that chair; it
would have the freedom to go anywhere at the college now; and her pain would be
eased for a short time. I silently thanked God for my miracle and I prayed for
her in her struggles, as I WALKED….in my high heels….to my office. Yes, “Theresa doesn’t live THERE anymore! Theresa LIVES….on a bicycle…..on a wooded trail
at Tippy Dam or Hartwick Pines…..on the top of the Sleeping Bear Dunes…..on her
hands and knees in the garden….on the floor playing with her nieces and nephews……on
the cover of magazines and in front of a crowd sharing her story!!!!!” I suddenly wanted to sing “Amazing Grace.” And so begins the next phase of my life…….without
that chair.
My friends, today I ask you:
“Where do you LIVE….physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually?” “Where do you want to LIVE a year from now?” “What do you need to do to relocate?” Are you ready to put a “for sale” sign on
your current reality? Are you ready to
move into a new life? Anyone who has
actually moved from one residence to another or tried to sell a house knows
that the literal process of getting ready to sell or move, packing up and
getting rid of things one doesn’t need anymore, finding another place to live,
moving and settling into a new place…etc…(you get the drift)….will attest that
it takes a lot of work to relocate physically and there is a lot of emotion involved
in leaving a place that was once “home” behind and becoming comfortable and
secure in another…..but it often is wonderful and the new place is often even
better. The same is true for moving into
a new, healthier lifestyle. It will take a lot of work; it will take a lot of
time; it will come with a lot of emotion…..but IT WILL BE worth it! I encourage you today….if you are not happy
with the reality of your life….take the first step today to begin to change
it. I want you to be know the joy of
proclaiming that “You don’t live THERE anymore either….wherever/whatever THERE
means to you.”
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
What lasts....doesn't come easy
This weekend I was digging in one of my ‘costume’ boxes in
the garage for some items to use for my Halloween costume. While doing so, I noticed
my first…..well, I guess ONLY….stereo system that is currently being stored out
there. It is a turntable; radio; and 8-track player combo (Yes, I’m aging myself).
I purchased this stereo “with mostly my
own money” when I was in high-school for $79.00. I think my mother donated $20.00
towards the purchase, but she insisted that I would take care of it if I had
invested my own funds, earned by babysitting, in the purchase. In fact, she
used that principle for most of the major purchases in my young life. Oh, the
joys of being the “first-born” child……sigh…..because I was the recipient of all
of the “I’m going to be the kind of parent that teaches my child things like ‘responsibility’;
‘work-ethic’; and other life lessons. At the time, of course, I thought it was
unfair and ridiculous….especially when those “parenting practices’ weren’t
practiced with my younger siblings.
I harbored a lot of
negative feelings as a teenager when I had to work for many of the things I got
and my siblings seemed to just be ‘given’ things. It didn’t seem fair to me
then…..but…..today, if my mother were still alive, I would tell her “THANK YOU!” Here it is, more than 35 years later, and the
stereo system is still working and still in my possession. She was……gulp…..RIGHT….and I did take better
care of it…..and value it more…..because I worked for it. I guess a true sign of maturity is admitting
that your parents were right. I don’t
know what ‘goes on” in heaven, but I hope my parents are looking down and
The principle I learned with the stereo….and my 3-speed bike…..and
my first car…..and many of the other ‘non-essential to life” purchases, ‘to die
for’ pieces of clothing; make-up, etc…is more valuable than anything she could
have ever bought for me. To learn that, “If you want something bad enough, you
must be willing to work for it” is one of the lessons that continues to
motivate me on my journey. While some
people seem to have it easier than others and things simply seem to just “fall
into place for them” with very little effort; the reality is that most of us
have to work hard to realize rewards. Hopefully, we find jobs and/careers which
are life-giving and meaningful so that the time we spend ‘earning a living’ is
as enjoyable as possible; but it is still WORK and, very likely, most of us
would rather be on vacation or retired if given a choice. This applies to ALL
area of life…..relationships; physical health; mental well-being…and our
physical surroundings.
I was/am blessed as a student and I earned good grades in college
but I worked/work (still take classes for personal enrichment) REALLY hard to
earn those grades. I’m one of those “read everything assigned; go the extra
mile; spend hours and hours doing homework” kind of students……but I reap the
rewards. Hard work pays off….but it doesn’t come easy. I have beautiful, but not perfectly manicured
or landscaped, gardens in my yard and I enjoy them immensely. They require a tremendous
amount of physical labor, though. I dig my own beds because I don’t have a
rototiller (or a gardener); I plant my own plants; I pull my own weeds…..but I get
so much joy from watching something grow; bloom; and produce….because I know
how much work is involved in the process. Yes, I could just buy a few “already
planted pots” and set them on the patio and they would be beautiful, but there
is great satisfaction in ‘being invested; working hard; and patiently awaiting
for ‘due season” when I will be awarded with glorious blooms. Hard work pays off and I value things more
when I need to work for them, and as a result of that hard work and investment
in perennials, my rewards will last. Nothing that lasts comes easy…(or cheap). Thanks mom!
This principle, absolutely, is key to my personal journey. Over
the years I’ve tried some of the ‘quick-fix” weight loss gimmicks. The miracle “diet
pills” of the 90’s that were supposed to just make one lose weight painlessly. While
they certainly ‘seemed to work for a while” if I were willing to endure those
wonderful side effects (anyone ever try Xenical or Phen-Phen….can you say “anal
seepage”…YUCK…WHY...WHY…WHY would any of us take that stuff when words like
that are on the label???) I’ll tell you
why: because it promised to be an “easy fix.” Today’s ‘fad diets’ fit the bill.
How long, REALLY, can you live on protein milk shakes or meal replacement
bars? I’m not judging your journey because
I hope it works and lasts for life; however, things that come easy, don’t often
last. Sometimes they do: there are exceptions to every rule….but most of the
time, they don’t.
While some have an easier time than others when it comes to
weight loss….NONE of it is easy. Even those who have elected to go the
weight-loss surgery way will attest to this. All of it requires work and effort….if
it is to last. So many people…( I am one of them)…think that life would be
so great if there were a product or plan
that would allow one to just lose 50 pounds in a couple of months with very
little effort….but honestly, how many do that…and are able to keep it off? Some do; but most don’t. Slow and steady…..making daily choices…..hard
work and commitment for life...day-in-and-day-out….combined with the incredible
grace of GOD have been important principles for my journey. “What comes easy
won’t last….what lasts won’t come easy.”
Thanks, Mom!
While we can all identify people that appear to have it all:
great relationships; perfect children; gorgeous homes; wonderful jobs….money,
health, beauty, success…..whatever we value…..the reality is that the majority
of those people work really hard. My
grandparents had a wonderful marriage, spending 58 years together before my
grandmother died….but they invested a life-time in each other; respected each
other; prayed together; spent time together and loved each other through the
tough times. While they made it “look easy” to a grandkid; I’m sure it took a
daily commitment to each other and it wasn’t always easy. What lasts doesn’t
come easy……. My sister and her husband have a beautiful home, nice vehicles,
and take nice vacations, etc….but they both work VERY hard; go to work when
they don’t want to; spend weekends doing housework and maintenance; and
struggled for years to get through college. “Perfect” children are not just born; they’re
nurtured; taught; prayed for and with.
Sobriety doesn’t just happen; weight just doesn’t fall off; people don’t
just ‘wake up happy, grateful, or peaceful…..It’s a daily choice… and a
combination of good days and bad. But lasting joy……life-long change…..peace
beyond understanding……and a gratitude that transforms one’s life…..doesn’t come
easy. What comes easy doesn’t last…..and what lasts won’t come easy. Thanks, Mom!
Today, my friends….ask yourself what you want more…..EASY….or
LASTING? If you’re blessed to have it
both ways, then rejoice and thank your God…..but realize that for most of us,
it’s one or the other! I choose lasting.
What about you? Hard work pays off……
Monday, October 27, 2014
A trip to Tippy Dam
Good morning! Is it
REALLY Monday morning already? There used to be a time a few years ago when the
weekends seemed to drag on and on and I longed for Monday to arrive so that I could
go to work. My how things have changed! In those “Old Theresa” days, when I was
carrying around a couple hundred extra pounds, my Rheumatoid Arthritis was
exacerbated by the extra weight and the doctor was trying to find something (other
than the obvious to many….losing weight….but certainly not obvious to me) to
ease the symptoms. During that time I injected myself with a potent medication
every Friday evening to try to slow down the immune system. Many find these
drugs to be “miracle cures,” get relief from them, and don’t experience too
many unpleasant side effects, but for me, they didn’t work; in fact, they landed
me in bed for most of the weekend because my body didn’t react to them very
well. Nausea and vomiting, fatigue, headaches were a way of life each weekend.
Although I tried various injections, the results were similar.
If ONLY I believed there was another way to spend the
weekend. If ONLY I believed that I had ANY part in my health. If ONLY I had
realized that changing my eating habits could help improve the symptoms of a
disease without a cure or improve my overall health. Whether I KNEW and didn’t want to do the
work; whether I KNEW and didn’t want to improve my life because I subconsciously
was so lost in grief and sadness of loss and just wanted to be miserable; whether
I KNEW and but didn’t think I was strong enough to change is something I’ve yet
to come to grips with. I don’t KNOW why I chose to just exist; all I know is
that I’m so grateful that God, in His infinite mercy and goodness, helped me
realize one day that ENOUGH is ENOUGH and led me out of that darkness into a
life where weekends fly by and there never seems to be enough time to do all
the wonderful things that I CAN and WANT to do!
One thing I need to make clear, though, regarding Rheumatoid
Arthritis: the disease has no cure right now. My RA did not go away just
because I lost weight. It is something that I deal with on a daily basis and I still
take several medications each day to keep me functioning. Some days are better
than others, and I still have flares that come on as they will and remind me
that I will deal with the disease until a cure is found. However, my condition
has improved dramatically as a result of changing my life. I no longer inject
myself with those potent drugs; I no longer need to take high doses of steroids
or very strong pain medications just to get through the day; I no longer have
to sit on the sidelines and watch those around me participate in life. Losing
weight by itself didn’t cure me; it just made it easier to deal with the RA. It
took a tremendous amount of stress off my already damaged joints; it made it
possible for my body to grow strong enough to support my body weight and to
walk again; it made it possible for me to say, “Sure….let’s go....I can do that…..Bring
it on…..and just watch me,” rather than, “No, I can’t….I’d really like to, but I’m
hurting too bad…..Gosh, that looks like fun…. I wish I could….” and so forth. It
was a combination of losing the weight, eliminating the processed food and
sugar from my diet, getting better nutrition and vitamins, and being able to be
more physically active and move the joints that helped me get a handle on the
RA and improve my symptoms so that I have many more ‘good days” than bad
ones. Making positive changes to improve
one’s well-being and mental and physical health simply makes it easier to deal
with the crosses in life.
I have a new magazine article that debuted a couple of days
ago in the Arthritis Health Monitor magazine. This magazine is available by
subscription and is distributed free of charge in many doctor’s offices
throughout the country. I’ll post links and upload the article in a day or so
for those interested in reading it. Anytime a magazine or interview focuses on
the arthritis angle, I want to be clear that weight loss doesn’t cure it; but
it does turn a lot of ‘I cant’s into Maybe I can’s’. God is good!!!
This weekend was a perfect example. A friend took me on a
surprise ‘day-trip’ up to Tippy Dam near Wellston, Michigan. The dam is a
popular spot for fishermen hoping to catch salmon or steelhead this time of
year. Those who have followed my journey for a while know that I went on my
first fly-fishing trips with a charter captain for both salmon and steelhead in
the past year, and I LOVED IT! My friend wanted me to see another way to fish
for those monster fish…..and enjoy a gorgeous fall day with a drive at the same
time. So….off we went. This is one of
those experiences that I never would have even thought possible just 3 years
ago when I would have spent all day Saturday either in bed or lying around
wishing that I was able to do something special on a beautiful day.
It’s no secret that I love being outside and get a “high” from
the beauty of God’s creation. I didn’t know what to expect at Tippy Dam, but
was pleasantly surprised when we arrived and I saw a beautiful view of the
river, surrounded by a bit of remaining autumn color. We took a short walk down
to a platform that overlooked the river; it was beautiful, but the best was yet
to come. What we didn’t know, however,
was that we would need to take a very long walk down a very high hill to get
down to the dam. It was incredibly beautiful but a very long way down a path
with more steps than I could count. I stood there on the hill and looked down
at the river and could hear the roaring water of the dam. I looked at the path
and without even giving it a second thought, my friend and I headed down the
path. NEVER, EVER, EVER would I had been able to do that a few years ago; even
10 -15 years ago it would have been impossible. Saturday, however, I had no
doubt that I could handle the hike. Going down was a piece of cake, but
climbing back up was going to be a bit more challenging. Still, I KNEW that I could
do it….so down we went. Wow….what a beautiful walk! The path was covered with freshly fallen
leaves; the remaining foliage was gorgeous; there were several little waterfall
streams making their way to the river; the sound of the rushing water was
inviting; and the realization that YES, I can do things like this propelled me
down the lane.
The dam was amazing and I was surprised to find that the
river was full of fishermen standing both along the shore and in the middle of
the river in waders. I’ve been told that by other hikers that were weren’t very
many there that day, but a month or so ago, the anglers were lined up and down
the bank. I can’t wait to go back again next year; only this time I’ll likely
bring a pole!
You know, my friends, some of you might be thinking, “Yeah,
so what…what’s the big deal about seeing a dam?” While it is true that I have had limited experiences
and have not really had the opportunity to see many of the more popular tourist
places or natural wonders of the world, and I get really excited about simple
things like this, it’s really more about….
“THAT I CAN…..than what I see.” Having an overwhelming feeling of gratitude can
make even a mud puddle appear like an oasis in the dessert or a weed appear
like a magnificent orchid. Changing your
life; being given a second chance; experiencing things that you never thought
possible; and realizing that each day is a gift and you have been abundantly
blessed makes every day a miracle; every view breath-taking; and every
experience a moment of joy and grace.
Each of you reading this has his/her own experiences. Some
of you are physically able to do these kind of things on a daily basis….but may
take the ability for granted. I wonder if you realize how blessed you are; how
wonderful the gift of life is. It’s a real chore this time of year to deal with
all the fallen leaves littering the yard, but you know what….YOU CAN rake. Many
people cannot. Some of you can no longer do much of anything and have lost hope
that life will be any different. Some of you spend weekends wishing; hoping;
praying that you would feel better; that the pain and sadness in life would
disappear; that the depression would ease and that you could have a miracle
too. I’m hoping that reading this will give you hope that YES….you, too, can
change your life. YES…..you, too, can see things you never thought possible.
YES…you, too, can have a miracle….and feel better….and be happier….and healthier
than you ever imagined.
Your journey….whether down a path to a dam….or up a hill to
a dune…..down the driveway to your mailbox…..or back from a deep depression…..begins
with a single step. It begins with a decision…right now….that you want to
change your situation MORE than you want to eat a piece of cake; smoke that cigarette;
drink that drink; or think those thoughts that cripple you emotionally or
mentally. You may have no desire or
interest in taking a hike, seeing a dam, or going fishing, but I’m guessing,
there is SOMETHING that you’d like to do that you currently can’t do. Find that
“something” and use it to motivate you today.
You can do it…..one step at a time.
You can….change your life!!!
Saturday, October 25, 2014
A little smile for a Saturday morning.....
Happy Saturday Morning! Just wanted to start your day off with a little smile....and remind you, (okay, remind myself :-)) that even though food will make you feel better for a little while, eating to improve one's mood can lead to a whole bunch of other problems. My goal today: be conscious, not only about WHAT I eat today, but what I'm feeling WHEN I eat. Have a wonderful day!!!!
Friday, October 24, 2014
Turn your I Can't.....into I CAN....and I will!
I think one of the keys to having peace and joy in life is
to distinguish between what I can and I can’t do. Stress, depression, unhappiness and
discontentment often comes from wanting things I can’t have or trying to change
things I can’t. Today I’m choosing to be
grateful that YES, I CAN do many things….and then doing what I CAN to make it a
great day; to improve my own well-being by making good choices, and make a
positive difference in the world by trying to be better today than yesterday.
No… I CAN’T…..make the sun shine today; but I CAN brighten
up someone’s day by being cheerful and saying Hello.
No….I CAN’T…..make anyone like/love me if he/she chooses not
to; but I CAN make myself more loveable by being easy to be around; speaking kindly
and gently; and being as pleasant as I am capable.
No….I CAN’T…..cause time to stand still or add more hours to
the day; but I CAN make the most of every opportunity; realize that today is a
gift; and use time wisely.
No….I CAN’T….run walk 5 miles today; but I CAN take a few
more steps today than I did yesterday.
No…..I CAN’T….make anyone lose weight, give up an addiction,
change his/her behavior in any way; but I can try to motivate him/her by setting
a good example; praising one’s sincere efforts; and encouraging anyone who is
seeking a change.
No…..I CAN’T bring back my parents, grandparents, friends or
loved ones from the dead…even for an hour…..but I CAN honor their memory by
doing the things they taught me and trying to make them proud by my thoughts
and actions…..AND…..I CAN make sure that those people that are in my life know I
appreciate and love them.
There are many things that YOU CAN’T do…..but changing your
life….is NOT one of them! You may not be able to change everything, but you can
change some things. You may be
struggling to believe that you CAN…..but that’s okay for now….because I believe
YOU CAN! However……
You CAN’T lose weight…..if you continue to eat donuts and
junk food day after day. Make a
different choice!
You CAN’T be sober/smoke free……if you continue to drink or
smoke. Dump it out or put the cigarette
out….and quit bringing the temptation home.
You CAN’T have a happy, peaceful, loving home…..if you
continue to nitpick, start arguments, allow jealousy, unforgiveness, or
negativity to rule your mind and dictate your conversations. Choose today to say, “Thank you; I’m sorry;
and I forgive you” instead of “You never….You always….Why don’t you ever….You’re
such a…..” and so forth. Words are powerful; use them to build up rather than
tear down.
You CAN’T be content and happy…..if you focus on what you
don’t have; how bad your life is; how unfair things seem. Try to focus on your blessings and be
grateful for all that you do have instead of envious or angry at those things
that you don’t have.
Mostly today……when others tell you that you CAN’T change your
life….. or you feel that you CAN’T possibly do whatever……lose weight; give up
whatever; be free; be happy…….draw strength from your higher power who says, “ALL
things are possible” and keep telling yourself that “YES….I CAN…..THERESA says I
CAN…” and then…..make the choices that will change the can’t into CAN! YOU CAN….and you will….change your life…..one
step; one thought; one choice at a time!
Thursday, October 23, 2014
How do you know that THIS time it won't work?
On Wednesday mornings I am required to travel from my office
on one campus to the “other” MMCC campus to teach a class. The campus is
located approximately 30 miles down the highway. The drive this time of year is
enjoyable and each week I try to savor the beauty of the autumn color before
the snow arrives in a few weeks or so. I
put a lot of miles on the car in the past month or so as I traveled throughout
the state for various events.
Typically when I get
on the freeway, I like to set the cruise-control so that I don’t have to worry
about my speed. It’s rare that I travel above the speed limit and the cruise
control keeps me in check and, as I’ve been told, contributes to better gas
mileage because it keeps the car traveling at the same speed. For the past several weeks, though, I’ve had
a lot of trouble setting this feature. It’s typically a simple thing: click the
ON button, accelerate to the desired speed, then set the speed with the
acceleration button. I’ve done it hundreds of times before but recently it hasn’t
worked. I’d turn it on; let off the gas to allow the vehicle’s speed to register,
but instead of the cruise control “catching”, the car would just continue to
slow down. I’d have to speed up again to the speed I want; set the accelerate
button, let off the gas and try to set the control again. Same thing…speed up;
slow down; not working; turn it off; turn it back on; speed up….etc….. A real
pain in the neck! After a few minutes of
this frustration, I’d give up and just maintain my own speed. I have no idea
what the problem is, but it’s not really that big of a deal; after all I drove
vehicles for many years that didn’t have this feature, but nonetheless, it is
frustrating to me when I can’t make something work like it’s supposed to. The comical thing, however, is that I keep
trying to set it each time I get on the highway, even though I know that the outcome
is likely to be the same: it isn’t going to work and I’ll feel agitated.
Yesterday, I entered the freeway and once I accelerated to
the appropriate speed, habit kicked in (why do I keep trying to do something
that I have failed at repeatedly in recent weeks) and I hit the buttons to set
the cruise control. To my surprise; it worked! WHAT???? What did I do differently THIS time that I hadn’t
done three dozen times in the past couple of weeks? I was confused, but nonetheless, the cruise control
was set and I took my foot off the accelerator and let the device do its job as
I journeyed on. I still don’t know that
the “deal” is with the thing; why it worked yesterday; whether it will work
today when I set out; or what I did different, but it worked THAT time, and I was
grateful. Of course, it gave me ‘food for thought” as I pondered how that
experience was going to impact my “personal” journey.
On Tuesday afternoon I attended a presentation at the
college on Domestic Violence. It was put on by the Woman’s Aid Services and was
part of an awareness campaign for Domestic Violence month. The topic was disturbing
to me and the reality that many people live with physical, sexual, verbal,
and/or emotional abuse on a daily basis left me ‘unnerved.” I’ve not personally
experienced that type of horror before, although I’ve encountered many in my
life that have been victimized by it.
One of the issues that was discussed was why the abused person remains
in the situation and allows the abuse to happen. The presenter pointed out all
sorts of reasons and underlying issues that I won’t get into right now, but I was
surprised to learn that if the victim escapes the situation and seeks help,
more often than not, he/she returns to the environment and the cycle continues.
The presenter pointed out that often people on the ‘outside” who are aware of
the abuse, often tire of helping the victim because “he/she repeatedly says
that he/she is leaving the perpetrator, sometimes he/she does, but then returns;
the abuse escalates; the victim is “going to/or does leave” but then goes back…..and
the cycle continues. Sometimes those
that want to help get tired of hearing the same story over and over again and
watching the victim make the same choices over and over again….and then getting
hurt. She then stated, “You know, I don’t
care if I help a person leave 14 times; she returns to the situation 14 times;
and then asks me again. Even though it
is frustrating to me to keep trying to help, if I get a call in the middle of
the night and it is the 15th time I’ve heard the same thing and someone
is asking for help, I’m going to get up and help.” Her words stirred me and I’ve been thinking
about them ever since. It caused me to
think about times in my own life when I’ve done something OVER and OVER and
OVER again and it didn’t seem to change the situation in any way. At what point
do I just surrender and give up?
There is such a fine line between “being a doormat” and
allowing ourselves to be lied to; hurt; rejected; taken advantage of; unappreciated,
etc….before we become strong enough to say, “ENOUGH IS ENOUGH,” and we do
something to change our situation. I’m not taking about physical abuse here; I’m
taking about those situations in our lives when we have people that continually
say, “I’m sorry… I’ll do better…. I’ll help more around the house….. I didn’t
mean to…. I’m going to change….THIS time it’ll be different…..just this “one
more time”....and so forth…..and we believe the person…..and we end up with the
same result. What about the friend who
gossips; disappoints us; tells lies; or lets us down…..over and over…..and we
continue to tolerate it and give him/her another chance….only to be let down
AGAIN. When is ‘enough really Enough….when should we give up and
I think it was Albert
Einstein that defined insanity as, “doing the same thing over and over and
expecting different results.” Although I
believe that principle wholeheartedly with my own personal behavior and I can’t
expect change to happen in my life if I keep making the same poor choices over
and over again, I’m continuing to process my thoughts about the whole ‘If
someone asks me to help for the 15th time….I’m going to help,,,, because
maybe on the 15th time, it will work” notion. Such a dilemma; such a fine line between
helping/enabling; such a gray area. And so….as
I began to ponder, pray, reflect, seek God’s grace….I experienced the “Cruise
Control” incident yesterday afternoon. Hmm…..
Obviously, one needs to come to a point in life when he/she
removes him/herself from a situation of abuse, physical or emotional harm, and
addictive behavior that seriously impacts one’s life or those around him/her…..sooner
than later. Continuing to make poor choices, engaging in unhealthy behavior, or
allowing oneself to be harmed or victimized is a completely different situation
than ‘being kind; being forgiving; being generous or loving” over and over
I’ve been thinking about the New Testament scripture where
someone asked Jesus, “How often do I have to forgive my brother: 7 times?” The
reply was, “No, not 7, but 70 times 7 times….”
That’s way more than 15! I
reminded myself of the words of Mother Teresa, as pictured in one of my
favorite quotes above….Do it anyway…. I
thought about Jesus falling 3 times on his way to the cross during his final
journey….and how HIS getting up each time and continuing on to death…..won the
battle that SET ME FREE from obesity, disability, and despair. I thought about….
“If at first you don’t succeed; try, try again.” I thought about that silly little moment with
the cruise control yesterday and how on the 25th time or more of
attempting to set it (even though it was an act of instinct) it worked! I thought about how many times I’ve failed in
the past; how many times I’ve said, “I’m sorry, God….help me do better;” how
many times I’ve given into temptation over the years; how many mistakes I’ve
made; how many 2nd chances I’ve been given; how many times I’ve started OVER….and OVER….and
OVER…..and I am humbled and extremely grateful that my God and so many others
in my life….didn’t give up on me; didn’t turn their back on me; continued to love;
hope; pray; and reach out to me….in spite of myself.
And so….this morning, I am once again overwhelmed with God’s
goodness and I am empowered to keep trying to do better….and I encourage you to
do the same. I am going to keep ‘smiling at the checkout lady that is ALWAYS
crabby and somewhat rude to me’ because maybe TODAY will be the day she smiles
back! I am going to keep ‘being kind”
even if my kindness is rejected or I feel unappreciated again…..because maybe
TODAY is the day that someone says, “Thank you.” I am going to trying to be a better person….regardless
of the negativity around me….because maybe TODAY is the day that I make a difference
in someone’s life. I encourage you to do
the same…not just for others…but for yourself.
So what…. Even if you’ve invited “whomever” to a holiday
gathering every year for the past 10 years and he/she has never come; don’t
quit asking….Maybe THIS is the year that he/she is ready to be with others. You
could change his/her life with your kindness. So what….even if you’ve tried
dozens of times to engage your teenager in a meaningful conversation, only to
be met with looks of disgust or ‘leave me alone”….keep telling him/her that you
love him/her. Maybe TODAY is the day he/she hugs you back and realizes that you
are not the enemy. So what….you’ve tried
repeatedly to be kind to the co-worker, relative, neighbor, etc…and are continually
met with negativity; don’t stop. Maybe TODAY is the day that you break through
the wall. You get the drift.
In terms of your personal journey…. SO WHAT…..you’ve tried
before and failed. Maybe THIS time, it
will stick. SO WHAT……yesterday was a bad
day: TODAY is a new one! SO WHAT…..this
may be the 15th time you’ve tried to lose weight; the 10th
different diet plan you’ve tried; the 25th time you’ve thrown away a
pack of cigarettes: How do you know that THIS isn’t going to be the time it
works? You don’t! Keep trying; Keep believing; Keep working at
it! TODAY might very well be your day…..are
you going to risk it by giving up? I’m certainly
Do what you can to make it a beautiful day!
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Don't let fear of failing keep you from trying again.....
I had a conversation yesterday with a student who is very
close to graduating with an Associate degree. Said student, (I’ll call him Tom
as I want to protect the student’s privacy), is enrolled in a couple of classes
this semester and then has only one more class left to take in the winter
semester to complete his program requirements. However, the student came in to
talk to me about possibly taking some other training or switching up his
program of study at the end of this semester. I looked at him puzzled and
asked, why, at this point, so close to graduation, would he decide to leave
us. The answer was simple, “Theresa, I don’t
want to take CLASS XXN (not real name) because I tried it before and didn’t
pass it, and besides, it’s really hard.”
This type of conversation is not unusual in my office, but I
looked at the student with sort of a surprised look on my face, and we
proceeded to discuss the issue in depth.
It turns out that the student had indeed enrolled in the particular class
in question a few years ago, discovered that it is a difficult class that
requires a very long research paper, had some difficulties understanding the
expectations of the instructor, and therefore, simply walked away from the
class in the middle of it. The course is
indeed a challenging one, which is exactly why it is only required for students
who are likely to transfer on to a university to pursue a bachelor’s degree,
but each semester, more than 100 students successfully pass the class. Academically
challenging? Absolutely! Impossible? No
I looked at the student and I could see deep emotion in his
eyes; namely, fear and apprehension. The
student had tried and failed previously. Not only that, but he had encountered other
academic challenges along the way and had heard from other students how hard
the class was. He was apprehensive and the class seems like too big of a hill
to climb; therefore, he is thinking the best solution would be to just avoid
the challenge; walk away from his dream of graduating; not even try.” For a few
minutes, I recognized the thinking in the student because I have been in his
shoes; thought those same thoughts; and actually ‘did nothing” for a long time when
faced with personal, emotional, and physical challenges in my own life. Past
failures; fear of failing again; apprehension; doubt; and a plethora of other
emotions can completely cripple a person’s dreams and can simple one to give
up; walk away; and do “nothing.”
The ‘cheerleader’ in me kicked into full gear a few minutes
into the conversation and I told the student that, “Unless he was 100% certain
that he did not want his degree, that there was absolutely NO WAY that I was
going to let him walk away without at least trying again.” After all, he was
ONE class away from graduation: ONE, little, albeit challenging, class away
from reaching a goal that he had been working towards for more than three
years. I assured him that I would personally
help him; get him a tutor; ensure he got enrolled in a class with the instructor
of his choice; introduce him to the staff at Academic Support Services; and be
available to help him in ANY WAY I could so that he could pass the class……IF…and
ONLY IF…..he decided he wanted to try again and put forth a sincere effort.
The decision will ultimately be up to him, but I will be so
disappointed if he doesn’t at least try; he is SO close to graduation. He walked
away smiling. Whether or not he chooses to return next semester is yet to be
determined; but at least he knows that if he decides to pursue his degree that at
least ONE person on campus believes he can do it and will do whatever she can
to help him succeed. His success, however, will all come down to HIM; HIS commitment;
and HIS determination. “How bad do you want to graduate? What are you
willing to do to reach that goal? Are you REALLY going to walk away from your
dream….because you failed before; you are afraid, AND you know it’s going to be
Amidst the sometimes stressful moments of my job, I am
blessed with conversations like this. After the student left my office, I silently
thanked God for that appointment, because I was the person that benefited most
from the interaction with the student. It was almost as if I was giving myself
a ‘pep talk” about issues that challenge me…ironically the same ones that
students and many other people (like you all) struggle with on a regular
basis. I thought about all of you; all
the e-mail and messages I’ve received recently but have yet to respond to; all
those who have reached out to me asking for help and sharing the stories of
loss/despair/pain. I thought about my
own journey and how I did exactly what the student was contemplating doing: I
did NOTHING to improve my health and well-being for many years, simply because,
“I’ve failed before; it’s too hard; I’m afraid…” It definitely is easier to give
up and do nothing, but I cannot expect something to change if I’m not willing
to do my part. This is the same thinking
that caused me to just “exist” or so many years when life got really hard. “I tried before to lose weight and I failed,
therefore, I’ll just quit trying.” “It’s going to be too hard; I’ll NEVER be
able to do it; so I’ll just do nothing.” “Frankly, I just don’t care about…….” Although my thinking was not about completing
a class to graduate, the thoughts of fear; doubt; apprehension, etc….controlled
my actions….or lack of actions. The
result: I ended up over 400 pounds and unable to walk, and I had more than a
diploma hanging in the balance: I was a walking time-bomb physically and
emotionally. BUT….it didn’t have to be
that way!!!!! Thank you, God, for not giving up on me!
I cannot force my student to enroll in that last class; the decision
lies solely in his hands. I cannot pass the class for him; I’ve already taken
and succeeded in that class many years ago. I cannot write his paper; do the
research; put the effort into the coursework; it will be up to him. But, I can…and I will…..offer support; cheer
him on; point him to available help and resources; remind him how WONDERFUL it
will be; how GREAT it will feel; How empowered he will be when he is handed his
diploma next May; but he will need to decide how bad he wants it. And, I can remind him…..over and over and
over again if necessary….that a past failed attempt does NOT make him a failure;
a challenging class does NOT mean it is IMPOSSIBLE: and fear does NOT have to
cripple his dreams. He can…..and he will….succeed…..if
he is willing to try; believe in himself; take advantage of the help available….and
put forth the effort…..but he has to at least TRY. And if….he sincerely tries…and
can’t do it…..well, then he can try again….and again….and again if necessary!
My friends….many of you have the same type of thoughts plaguing
your mind. You WANT to be free from
addiction; you WANT to lose weight; you WANT to give up
(whatever); you WANT to have healthy, happy relationships; you WANT to
be a better person; feel healthier; make better decisions……but…..you’ve tried
before and failed. Maybe you’ve lost weight and gained it back (really…who HASN’T
done that at some point?????) Maybe you’ve gone 3 days; 3 weeks; or 3 years
without a cigarette or a drink….but in a moment of weakness you gave into temptation
and all your hard work was in vain (it wasn’t….even 3 days is better than No
days). Maybe you’ve gotten through the entire day without being negative, but
you get home from work and the house is a mess; the kids haven’t started
homework; and your partner has had a bad day (and of course, it’s YOUR fault….NOT!)
and you suddenly feel as if you want to explode…..or eat junk.
So….you’ve had a bad day….or week…..Are you REALLY going to
give up? Yes, life is hard. Yes, it’s challenging.
Yes, you’ve tried and failed…..but I’ll ask you the same thing I asked my
student: WHAT do you want more? How BAD do you want to succeed? Are you really willing to quit trying…..because
of a bad day…..or a week? The decision
is ultimately up to you….but I encourage you to really think about what you
want to do. I cannot do it for you….but I
can promise you that I will do whatever I can to help you. I will support you; I
will cheer you on; I will continually remind you how wonderful it feels to be ‘free”
from that which threatens to rob you of your peace, health, and joy. And
mostly, I will tell you that I believe in you and I KNOW that you are capable
of doing it……but you will never succeed if you don’t keep trying! Your self-worth isn’t dependent on succeeding
EVERY time and EVERY thing. Your value doesn’t lie in being PERFECT; being
THIN; being rich; whatever….your value comes from being kind, compassionate,
generous, and loving. I define success
as TRYING again and again and again……
Come on now, Don’t give up!!!!! Next year at this time, my student will
have a college diploma to hang in his room; what will you have????? The decision is yours!!!
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Turn those "No's" into a YES
Being a parent was not part of God’s plan for my life, but
as a former teacher of elementary school students, a big sister, and an aunt, I
have had many experiences of saying, “I’m sorry, but, NO, you can’t” do this,
say that, have this”….and so forth.
These conversations often included the phrases I heard so often from my
own mother….. “Because it’s not good for you……because it is dangerous…….because
you’re too little……because……..finally, ending with a loving, but firm…..just
because I said so.” My “NO’s” were often
met with frowns, pouts, temper tantrums, and sometimes even tears. Most of the
time, the “I hate you; You’re so mean; It’s not fair,” looks didn’t last long
and within a short time, the child/student/sibling was fine and we were friends
I’ve also heard my share of “No, I’m sorry you cannot…..”
from various people in my life. I didn’t like being told NO as a kid, and I don’t
like being told NO as an adult either. I especially didn’t like being told NO
when there didn’t seem to be any logical reason WHY I couldn’t have….couldn’t
go…..couldn’t do…..whatever it was that I wanted. A ‘NO’
without explanation didn’t teach me anything; it simply made me angry and
frustrated, especially when I saw others that had what I wanted. Eventually, it
led to bitterness and fueled my emotional eating tendencies.
When someone took the time to explain to me that I couldn’t stay
up late/do/say/have something because it cost too much….was foolish……could hurt
me…..etc..., it taught me responsibility and helped form my conscience, and I was
able to accept the reality….for the moment….but I silently vowed to…. ‘Have it/get it/do it”…..when
I grew up/got my own house/moved out/ got a job…..whatever. These experiences fueled determination and
motivated me to work harder in life, but oftentimes, when I could have/do/go
wherever/whenever/whatever I “thought” I wanted, the thrill was gone. It’s the whole, ‘We always want what we can’t
have” mentality, if you will.
I’ll always be
grateful for those valuable life lessons and that I didn’t always get what I wanted
because, ultimately, I learned that many goals/desires in life can be achieved
and attained with time, effort, and work. I also learned that there are some
things in life that, although I may want them, will never become reality in
this life. I cannot, no matter what I do or how much I pray, bring back loved
ones from the dead. I can’t blink my
eyes and make it 1987 again. I can’t go back and change ‘would have…could have….should
have’s” of days gone by. BUT; I can change how I respond to those moments. I
have control over that. I can learn from my mistakes; I can value those people in
my life that are still alive; I can try to make better choices in life NOW so
that ten years from now, there will be less regret and angst about missed
These days I am extremely
motivated when someone says, “No, Theresa….I don’t think you can do that…..or….No,
Theresa….it doesn’t seem possible that anyone could…..” It arouses determination in me and I am so
incredibly empowered by “REALLY…..you don’t think I CAN….. go back to
college at my age; ride a bicycle again after 30 years; jump on a trampoline;
climb a dune; move that big log by myself.”
The “I’ll show you…..” mindset empowers me on a daily basis.
That same motivation, powered, first by GOD-POWER, then by intense
willpower, has brought me to this day. Human beings thought….. told me….that it
was impossible to lose a massive amount of weight without medical intervention,
diet pills, or surgery, but GOD said, “All things are possible….” My rheumatologist said, “Well, Theresa, there
isn’t anything else I can do to help your RA,” but God said, “I will make you
strong and help you…” I had days when I doubted
my ability to……finish college in my 40’s; get through the times of
sorrow and grief; ever walk again without a walker; feel free from fear, pain,
and the weight ….physical, emotional, and spiritual….that nearly killed me; but
GOD said, “I will NEVER leave you or forsake you….” Today….and for each day to come… I remind
myself that, “I can do ALL things in Christ who strengthens me”….and……”Greater
is HE that is in me, than he that is in the world”…..and….”Delight yourself in
the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.” My journey is on-going and I have to
continually rely on those promises to get through each day.
I am grateful today that I did not get everything I wanted
in life, because ultimately, many of those things that I thought I couldn’t live
without would have done me greater harm than good. Many of those people in my
life that hurt me have ultimately empowered me to be better. Many of those ‘No, I’m sorry….that’s just the
way it is…..too bad/so sad” experiences have shaped my thoughts, built my
character, and taught me life lessons that helped me become the person I am
today. I am grateful today for the
challenges I face; the moments of doubt/temptation; the clouds/storms in life,
because they make me appreciate the good times, victories, and peace and joy
deep within, and have taught me that many of the things in life that I seek/desire/want
can be realized….IF and only IF…..I am willing to cooperate with God and surrender
my thoughts/life to Him on a daily basis.
I know that so many of you are in situations that appear to
be hopeless. Some of you are dealing with issues, pain, illness, and concerns
that almost seem unbearable at times. You
are struggling with addiction and habits. You have a long journey ahead. You
are dealing with doubt, despair, depression, and/or grief. You may be ‘sick and
tired’ of being ‘sick and tired” and you may even be bitter, angry, frustrated
because you always seem to hear “NO, you can’t…..” and you don’t understand
WHY. I can’t tell you WHY some have
heavier burdens than others; why some seem to have drawn the ‘short straw’; why
life is so much harder for some than others….but I can tell you that, “You CAN….change
your life…. Maybe not EVERYTHING in your life that you want to be better…..but
you CAN change some things, even if it is just how you think/react/feel about the
reality of your life.”
Likely, many of you
don’t share my faith perspective, so I won’t tell you that GOD said… but perhaps you will find strength from the
words from Winnie the Pooh: “You are braver than you believe; stronger than you
seem; and smarter than you think!” Once
you determine what things you CAN change….never give up believing….never give
up trying to change those NO’s into YES’.
Say with me….YES, you can……but it is going to take work, effort,
practice, and a combination of God-power and willpower!
I hope you have a wonderful day today…..
Monday, October 20, 2014
Thank you, Lord, for a new week!
Starting all over again….. I typically don’t feel this way,
but I am really happy that today is Monday and it is the beginning of a new
week. Last week was a challenging one in many ways, and although I enjoy having
time off on the weekends, I’m honestly glad to put last week behind me and
start with a fresh slate.
I’m definitely feeling much better physically, although the
lingering congestion, fatigue, and deep cough may cast doubt. It appears that
it will take a few weeks to totally rid myself of the cough, but I am on the
mend and will be getting my flu shot later this week. This is a great example
of having a ‘bark that is worse than my bite.” In addition to the physical
challenges of last week, I also experienced some ‘mental challenges’ with some
changes at work and had a couple of stressful days at the office when I returned
to work last Thursday. I’m glad to start fresh today and put last week behind
me. I’m also finishing up the high-dose
steroids that were prescribed last week; a very good thing because the
prednisone causes some weird things with appetite and all I wanted to do was
EAT last week. Add that to the inability to do any form of walking/exercise
because of the asthma and illness, and it was a rough week. Although I didn’t eat cookies, chips, or junk
food, I definitely ate more than I needed.
Fortunately, today is a new day.
Part of a ‘fresh start’ involves letting go of last week and
being gentle with myself. Sometimes I am
way too hard on myself and hold myself to a standard that is very difficult to maintain
all the time. I then struggle with an unwarranted sense of guilt (so what,
Theresa, you sat and watched birds for an entire hour….your ‘energy fuel-tank’
is running on fumes with a busy schedule) or “I really should be….working on
that project…….or answering those e-mails……or…….I need to do this…..or that…..or…..I
HAVE to….”kind of thinking that causes stress. As a child or teenager, it hurt
more to be called “lazy” than “fat”, although, admittedly, I was both. Sometimes an unrealistic ‘Wonder Woman”
mentality does more harm than good. Can anyone relate? Perhaps those of you that are working mothers,
single parents, or workaholic dads know exactly what I’m talking
about????? In any case, I’m glad to let
‘last week” go and start a new one.
It seems as if we are on the threshold of a new season as
well. Although the might oaks are now golden brown, most of other trees are
nearly bare. I’ve put most of the lawn
furniture and garden accents away for the winter and we had several hard
frost/freeze nights this week, so even the hardiest of the plants have now
succumbed to the cold. I’ve brought many
of my winter clothes/sweaters/boots in from the garage and the process of
switching out summer/winter clothing is well underway. Before long, it will be
time for the holiday decorations. Yes….a
new season is upon us; one that comes with its own set of challenges for those
on a life-changing journey. Have you been
thinking about your plan to succeed?
Many people find the autumn/winter to be a time of challenge
on the life-changing journey. The amount
of daylight has dwindled significantly and it is now dark when I leave for work
in the morning, making it impossible to get my early-morning walk in. I am
often too fatigued by evening to take a walk immediately upon returning home
from work, and before long, it will be dark when I get home as well, so I need
to figure out how I’m going to fit time in to get some activity. I have the ability to walk the hallways at
work or visit the fitness center on campus if I can motivate myself to do so.
Of course, I can make up all kinds of excuses about preferring to walk outside
to get fresh air; my dislike for the treadmill, the hassles of having to change
shoes/clothes at work, etc….but it will all come down to asking myself what I want
more: to continue to be active….and somewhat inconvenienced…..or not. My motivation will be challenged and it will
be a daily choice…..just like it is for you.
This is not my first “autumn-winter” on plan, so I have developed
some strategies to help pick up the slack. One the easiest for me is to just
try to incorporate activity into the busyness of the day. Even though it’s not
officially called “exercise (I hate that word/concept anyway)” being active is
important. Each time I use the bathroom (multiple times a day because I drink
almost 1 ½ gallons of water per day), I use the opportunity to do squats in the
bathroom (no, silly, not in the stall) or I take the stairs to the upstairs
bathroom at the college. I lift weights
while sitting in the lazy boy; I walk up and down every aisle in the grocery
store or park farther away when doing errands. I do a few minutes of
stretching/bending when I’m waiting for my soup to warm up in the microwave
during lunch. Sometimes I just dance around the living room. When the snow
falls, shoveling snow will provide some physical activity. Although this little
bit of movement is certainly nothing compared to the couple of miles of
walking/bike riding or hours of gardening I do each week during the summer,
every little bit helps. What I need to do is to avoid the ‘excuse trap” of ‘Well,
it’s winter, everybody gains 10 pounds during the winter because it’s too hard
to get out and do anything.”
One of the other challenges of the cold/dark season is
boredom eating. Although I’m not much of a TV watcher, many of you find that
there is little else to do all winter. Less time outdoors sometimes translates into
more time in front of the computer, reading, TV, or other indoor activities
that typically are opportunities for snacking.
I know for sure that I have no control over ‘mindless” snacking so even
things like the baked rice cake snacks, although lower in calories that chips
or nachos, are a stumbling block for me. I ate an entire bag in two days last
week! Even if it is a ‘safe – on-plan”
food, eating too much of anything is NOT a way to succeed (sigh…yes, even
watermelon). Last year a friend sent me an air-pop popcorn popper as a gift.
This has proved to be a great thing for a healthy, low-calorie snack option,
and I’m sure I’ll be using it more often now that the colder weather has
arrived. I know the temptations will
exist….so therefore, I have to be prepared to address them…..so that I don’t
have ANY excuses. How do you handle
Finally, the holiday season is knocking on the door.
Halloween/Thanksgiving/Christmas/New Year’s are right around the corner, and
along with the celebrations come the party invitations. These special days come
with challenges not found at other times during the year. Do you have a plan to
succeed in place or are you just going to “take a break” and pick up again on
January 2nd? The mentality of “NO ONE can lose weight during
the holidays” so I might as well just enjoy the season and start again in
January is one shared by many yo-yo dieters….work hard for months…..take the
holiday season off....gain back 15 pounds that you worked so hard to lose
during the summer….then start back in January…..work hard to lose 20 pounds….then
do it all again. The result? A constant
up-and-down struggle where it seems that you are always trying to lose weight,
but never seem to get very far. Although
this approach is better than just doing nothing (at least you try to lose the
holiday weight), it doesn’t seem like a very good plan. I’ve been there-done that…..but I’ve found it’s
better to just plan to stay on track in the first place so that I don’t have to
work to lose the same 20 pounds over and over again. In coming weeks, I’ll share some of the ways I
plan to stay on track. I’d welcome your
ideas as well.
Yes, it is true that there will ALWAYS be challenges; there
will always be opportunities to make excuses or rationalize behavior, but they
don’t have to be stumbling blocks to totally sabotage your journey. Certainly, you need to take a break if you
encounter illness this winter. Certainly, you need to make adjustments for
weather and seasonal changes. Certainly, you need to allow yourself to enjoy
the delights of the season……but…..you can minimize the damage if you plan
ahead. Most importantly, you have to
realize that EVERYONE struggles at time times (yes, even Theresa) and EVERYONE
has a bad/off day/week once in a while….but the biggest difference between
success and failure is how one reacts to those challenges. A failure allows a bad week to define him/her
and gives up. A winner starts over….again and again and again…..and NEVER stops
trying. Which one are you going to
I want to continue to be a WINNER…..which ultimately means that I’ll be a “life-long” LOSER!!! How about you???
I want to continue to be a WINNER…..which ultimately means that I’ll be a “life-long” LOSER!!! How about you???
Sunday, October 19, 2014
Really, Theresa....all of this for a few goldfish???
Good Morning…. There is no doubt that I am a “little
peculiar” in my thinking about some things. Some might call me quirky; some
might label me weird; others might say I march to the beat of my own drum.
Obviously, to preserve my own sanity, I prefer to simply think I am “unique.”
Nonetheless, I’m sometimes amused by my own thoughts. Perhaps it is the
lingering effects of my respiratory infection or the medication, but today, my
thoughts are rambling all over the place.
You may recall that I expanded one of my perennial gardens
this summer and put a small pond in. This little pond was a source of much joy
this summer, although at first, it was a big pain in the rear. It was a trial
and error process, and I admit, that I went into the project with very little
knowledge about water/pond gardening. It was just something I wanted to try,
and when I saw the plastic pond form on sale for less than $30.00, I sent my
friend to purchase it for me, without any pre-planning or even an idea of where
it would go.
Once the pond was filled and positioned, I asked my friend
to take me to the creek to dig up some cattails and other pond “weeds” as he
calls them. He did, and I transplanted the plants to the new pond. I hauled
some rocks and arranged them along the outside; and was now ready for some
fish. I wasn’t sure the pond was big enough to support fish or if they would
even survive the elements, so I decided to just start with some minnows. So…my
friend (the things the poor guy does for me) went to town on yet
another ‘mission” and came home with bucket of minnows…a gift from group member
and local business owner, Tom…. I was like a little kid and couldn’t wait to
put my minnows in the pond. The fish
swam around happily….for a couple of hours….then, one-by-one, began to float on
the top. By the next day, I had lost 10 or the 12 minnows. Apparently,
something wasn’t quite ‘right” with the pond set-up, although I’ve been told
that ‘bait minnows” don’t typically last very long anyway. But….I was determined to have fish, wasn’t
going to accept defeat without a fight, and so I did some research (Thank
goodness for YouTube and the internet); made some adjustments to the set-up;
added some chemicals to balance something out (not a science girl by any means)
and went back for more minnows. I
purchased a dozen or so fish from the bait store for a couple of dollars and
had several dead ones floating before I even got home, but put the others in
the pond….determined that they would survive. Once again, the fish began to
die. I was disappointed again….but NOT enough to give up!
What was I doing wrong? I had water. I had rocks on the bottom and plants. I had oxygen going in the water via a fountain. I was perplexed...and somewhat frustrated. BUT….. I am so strong-willed….and I was determined to figure this out. After all…if OTHER PEOPLE can have fish in a pond… I CAN….even if I fail over and over again. This time, I decided to start completely from scratch. I emptied the entire pond (to my surprise, I found one surviving minnow….must be a stubborn, determined little guy like me!!!). I bailed all the water out, first with a bucket; then with a cup. I took every rock and every piece of pea gravel out. I dug the plants and put them in a bucket. I washed it all out on my hands and knees (why did I put all that pea gravel along the edges...made kneeling a bit uncomfortable) and started all over again, this time doing things a little differently. I decided to just float the roots of the water plants in the pond as opposed to putting them in pots full of dirt because I think the water was just too full of dirt and was chocking the fish, but I don’t know for sure. I put clean water in; I put some ‘pond-start up chemical in’ to balance the ph.; I adjusted the fountain pump and replaced the rocks. When I was ready to give the fish another try, I went to Meijer’s and purchased a few ‘feeder” goldfish for a whopping 21 cents each. I was told that goldfish are very hardy and can live just about anywhere. I couldn’t wait to get them home and put them in their new home, and although I was feeling determined and optimistic, I really didn’t know if I would attempt again if I failed for the 3rd time. But….to my surprise….all but one of the goldfish lived through the night…and then the NEXT night…and for the next week. Woot! Woot! I was feeling pretty smug. “SEE…. I told you I could figure this out,” I boasted to my friend.
My little goldfish continued to survive and I grew very fond
of them. Every morning before work I would feed them and every evening I would
sit on my swing and watch them flit around the pond. I especially loved their bright
color because they were quite visible. My nieces and nephews would come to see
them on the weekends when they came up north this summer and those silly little
fish made me smile each time I saw them.
I’m not sure if it was the joy of seeing the fish swim around happily or
the satisfaction of finally succeeding in getting fish to survive, or a
combination….but nonetheless, I love my little (but not quite so little anymore….did
you know that goldfish GROW in a hurry???) fish.
About two months ago, my friend asked me what I was planning
to do with the pond for the winter. Living in northern Michigan means that the
temperatures are going to be well below freezing by November and the shallow
pond will likely freeze solid. The fountain part will be easy to handle: I’ll
just take it out and store it until next spring, but….”What are you going to do
with the fish,” he asked. Hmmm….Well, good question: one I hadn’t thought about
when I started this little venture. I
pondered my options. I could dump them in the creek in my backwoods and hope
they survive or I could just leave them in the pond and get some sort of heater….or
I could just let them die, after all they’re just $2.00 worth of feeder
fish. None of these options seemed very
appealing so I just sort of pretended like winter wouldn’t come, but really,
what AM I going to do with these fish?
Yes, they only cost a couple of dollars, but they ARE alive and God’s
creatures….AND…they gave me so much joy…and they are sort of pets because I’ve
watched them grow and took care of them…AND…..
What a dilemma!!!
I knew that I could not, in good conscience, just let these
silly little fish die, so I began to look for a fish aquarium so that I could
bring them inside. Really, Theresa??? You have four indoor cats….and $2.00 worth of
goldfish….are you REALLY going to buy $50.00 worth of aquarium supplies to save
5 little fish? See what I mean about
being a bit “weird” in my thinking?????
Well, I’m NOT going to just let them die, I decided….and once I make up
my mind about something….I’ll figure it out. (Did I mention I’m a bit
stubborn?) Perhaps, more accurately, GOD will help me figure it out….(YES, as
silly as it may sound to some, I think God really cares about EVERYTHING that
happens in our lives, even the insignificant things like goldfish…(just my faith
perspective anyway). Therefore, I was
not at all surprised….but extremely grateful….when I went into work a few weeks
ago and my friend, Matt Dixon, greeted me with a big smile and a, “I’ve got something
for you!” He had found me an entire fish
aquarium set-up at a garage sale, and was kind enough to purchase it for me as
a gift! What a great guy!!! And so…..the
combination of my stubbornness….God’s providence….and the support of friends…..and
my little goldfish now have a new home on my kitchen counter. Sometimes, it
takes an army!
Besides this being just a silly little saga with a happy
ending, this little goldfish tale is really just one of the many ways that God
speaks to me and encourages me on my journey. When I began my weight loss journey, there was
no ‘pre-thought’; no “plan” in place to succeed; no “knowledge of how to lose
weight”; and no “long-term plan” in place. It was just an “I want this: I’m
going to do this, spur-of-the-moment’ decision, fueled by complete stubborn
determination that I was going to make this work, even if I knew ABSOLUTELY
NOTHING about how to do it. If OTHER PEOPLE can do it (have a pond and make it
work) I can do it too!!!! Like buying that
pond on a whim; I started this journey…and figured out the rest along the
way. I did what I thought was right. I purchased
food that I thought was good for me. I sought out information when I didn’t
know things…and I went into it full-force, somewhat blind….but determined to
succeed. There were days when things
went really well. There were weeks when I was losing weight rapidly. There was
a sense of excitement and joy….but then the “fish” began to die. I was no
longer losing 5 pounds a week, but rather just a pound or so….or none at all…but
I kept at it. I felt discouraged after losing 50 pounds and still wearing the
same clothes (Will I EVER get out of this 5X) ….but I was determined and
stubborn…..so I set smaller goals. I changed the eating plan around a little; I
adjusted the calorie allowance…I got ‘new fish” (began praying for a “new way
of seeing things”) if you will…..but then THEY died too (when I lost my peace,
struggled, or got agitated when someone pushed my buttons or upset me). Hmmm….
Well…. I AM going to do this….so I will keep trying. So
what, the 2nd batch of fish died…. I’ll just start completely over.
It’s a new day….a new opportunity. I’ll try ONE last time with a DIFFERENT kind
of fish. I started lifting soup cans in my lazy boy
chair to get some form of exercise. I started buying “real” vegetables and
cooking real food as opposed to frozen dinners. I began to get up earlier to
pray and write. I kept trying and
finally, I found my stride. I was making consistent progress….and….was
succeeding. My new fish were thriving (I
was reaching goal after goal); I was excited and began to walk a few steps
without the walker (Enjoying the fish); people were beginning to notice my
progress (enjoying feeding my fish); and I was feeling great. I was happy and felt pleased that I hadn’t
given up!
When I began my pond project, I didn’t put any thought into
what I would do with it at the end of the summer. The same is true for my
personal journey to wellness. Although I
had made the decision on Day 1 that the changes I would make HAD to be for life….I
never really gave it much thought about what that meant. It just seemed like
too far away, much like the winter was too far away to worry about the fish
now; after all, it was only MAY! But….time
passes quickly…and before I knew it, winter was approaching. The two years I took
to lose the weight just FLEW by and now I was faced with the pressure to “eat
an ice cream cone for your birthday…or certainly, you can have a cookie now,
Theresa.” Sure, I could ‘go back to my
old way of life” when I lost the weight I wanted (let the fish die)…….but…….I’ve
invested SO MUCH of my time and energy into this journey….I’ve enjoyed the
process and all the new adventures that have come my way as a result of the
weight loss…..I love THIS NEW LIFE…..and I’ve managed to keep the weight off
(keep those fish alive)….so….I’m invested. I HAVE….to DO….WHATEVER I have to do
to maintain this, right? At whatever
cost…..RIGHT???? I CANNOT go back to
the “Old Theresa” way of life. I absolutely CANNOT let those fish die….without
a sincere effort to keep them alive. BUT
fortunately…….I don’t have to do it alone. GOD….and my stubborn determination….and
the support of loved ones and friends…..will help me. (Did Matthew really find
an aquarium at a garage sale the VERY week I told him I needed one…YUP!)
Whew….what a long-winded story…..but, my friends… I encourage
you today….to think about WHAT YOU WANT….more than anything. What is it?
What do you have to do to get it?
Are you willing to risk failure?
Are you willing to invest yourself into your journey? Are you willing to sacrifice your time,
energy, will to get it? Are you so
determined that you will try and try and try again if you don’t succeed at
first? Are you determined that THIS time
you will do it? And mostly….are you
willing to do this FOR LIFE? You cannot
buy goldfish on a whim…and then just let them die when they’ve served their
purpose any more than you can start a weight loss plan or life-changing journey…..for
just a few weeks or months. Dig deep….find
that stubborn determination inside….and Go for it!!!!! You will be so glad you did!!!
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