Saturday, September 13, 2014

What's for breakfast????

As a child, it was always a special treat to have a big breakfast on the weekends. Mom would often make pancakes or French toast on Saturday mornings and we always went out to breakfast on Sunday's after Mass. I miss those special family times, but now on many weekends,  my extended family comes up north to Pip's Place (our family vacation place) and we always have a big breakfast together, sometimes for 30 or more people.

 It takes strong will-power to eat oatmeal or yogurt when the people around me are eating Aunt Kathy's biscuits and gravy or my brother's French toast, but it comes down to choices....what do I want more......pancakes dripping with butter and syrup or the freedom that comes from being able to walk on my own two feet?  The choice for me is easy......let others enjoy their breakfast without worrying about me and whether or not I was feeling deprived. Breakfast lasts for an hour or less....

Over the past couple of years, I have found ways to enjoy breakfast with the family without going off track. That's a key to life-long success....being able to be around those you love, being able to be strong when surrounded by temptation....and yet, being a part of a group and still enjoying a meal together.  Sometimes I'll make French toast with the 35 calorie a slice bread and an egg white and top it with spray butter (0 calorie) and sugar free syrup.  Three slices of French toast that way is only about 200 calories. Other times I scramble up eggs with onion and some vegetables or make an omelet when others are eating bacon and eggs. I've gone out to breakfast a few times and I simply order oatmeal without the cream, sugar, or milk....and bring a small pill bottle container of sugar free French vanilla coffee creamer and use that with some sweetener or cinnamon.  I have come to realize that the world around me will continue to enjoy food ( and why shouldn't they.....I'm the one with the addiction), and unless I isolate myself completely from others (oh yeah...been there, done that....and look where THAT got me....LOL), I have to find ways to adapt and still stay on track.  

Today....I encourage you to be strong. Don't let the choices of others hinder your progress....and don't let the excuse "Well, I HAVE to cook breakfast for my family"  or "Gosh, it would be embarrassing to ask for a special order at a restaurant" or "My husband would be hurt if I didn't eat his pancakes"  be a stumbling block.  There are WAYS to do just need to decide what you want most!

I hope you have a wonderful day today......

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