I readily admit that I often find myself saying, “No thanks,
I can’t eat that” when someone asks me if I want a cookie. Almost immediately
after the words come out of my mouth, I correct myself and say, “No, that’s
wrong. I COULD have a cookie, but I don’t want one….or I choose NOT to.” Saying
and believing that we have a choice in what we eat is so important because it
helps reinforce the idea that it is OUR CHOICES that will determine the
outcome. I’m not talking about things that we cannot control like cancer,
death, inclement weather; but, rather, those things which we CAN choose….like
what we eat.
Many times a person
will fail at a new eating plan because he/she feels deprived and left out when
others around him/her are enjoying cake or treats. The poor me, “I have to eat
an apple while my family is eating ice-cream”…. “Don’t you feel bad that I can’t
go out for pizza” or “I’ll just sit here and watch everyone eat birthday cake”
mentality is sure-fire way to sabotage your own journey. No one wants to feel
deprived or left out. When I first started on my journey, I struggled with that
myself, but I think it bothered others those around me even more that I wasn’t
eating what they were. It was almost as if they felt guilty about eating in
front me. Honestly, it didn’t bother me a bit to see others enjoying food,
because I was enjoying my food too….it was just “different’ food.
I always have food
with me everywhere I go. When I’m invited to birthday party or holiday
gathering, be assured that I will have something with me that I will CHOOSE to
eat over cake. Oftentimes, it’s a Greek yogurt, a protein bar, or melon. All of
those taste sweet to me and feel like desert. Certainly, I COULD eat a piece of
cake, but I don’t want to…..not because I think it’s BAD….but rather, because I
fear that if I ate a piece of cake, I would eat another and another, and I would
very quickly go back to my old way of thinking and eating. I simply don’t trust
myself, and even though I have not had even a bite of cake since March 1, 2011,
I don’t want to even go there, so I choose to eat something else instead. It’s all about choices….
This mentality has changed other areas in my life as well.
There are many days when I would rather stay home from work than get dressed
and go to the office. This morning is one of them. It’s cold and dreary, my
body is aching, I’m weary, and enjoying sitting here in my pajama’s drinking
coffee. Instead of saying, “I don’t WANT to go to work….I believe whole-heartedly….that
I GET to work.” Aren’t I blessed….to GET to go to a job that I love and that
helps provide for my needs? I’m
certainly not excited about lacing up my sneakers in a couple of hours and
taking my walk in the cold, foggy air before I go to work….but I GET to; I CHOOSE
to. Aren’t I blessed…..that I CAN walk….after
so many years when I struggled to take a few steps? I have more things on my “to-do-list” today
than hours in my day; a sink full of dishes to wash; a garden full of weeds to
pull and plants to cut back before winter; a car that needs new tires; and list
of people to call or e-mail. Aren’t I blessed….to
have people that care; food to eat; a yard to enjoy, a car to drive, and many
things to occupy my time? You, too…..are
blessed beyond measure! It’s all a matter of perspective and how you choose to
THINK about things. Gratitude….and
attitude…..change one’s life much more than eating plans!
I encourage you today to choose one area and try to be think
about things a bit differently. At
mealtimes, try to remember that you are choosing to eat healthier food because you
want to feel better or look better….not because YOU HAVE TO. At work, when you feel annoyed or frustrated,
try to remember that YOU have chosen to work at that particular place; you are
not there because you HAVE to be. While jobs are hard to come by….you do have a
choice…but being unemployed isn’t a very good place to be! When someone irritates you; your kid sasses
back or acts fussy; someone disappoints you…try to remember that while you
cannot control the behavior of someone else, you can CHOOSE how you
respond. Above all things….choose to be
grateful for all that happens this day….good and not-so-good…because each of us
has been given a new day; a new opportunity; and are blessed beyond measure.
I hope you have a great day….and make great choices.
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