Wow – What fun! Those are the best words I can think of to
describe my fly-fishing trip yesterday on the Muskegon River near the Croton
Dam. My friends, Ken & Cathy Zimmerman, invited me to go along with them as
they fished for steelhead trout. Cathy ties flies for Dave Roller, the owner of
the charter fishing company, Pere Marquette Outfitters, and in exchange for her
services, Dave gives her multiple fishing trips per year. They invited me to go
with them salmon fishing last fall as a 50th birthday “out-of-my-comfort-zone”
experience and I absolutely loved it. I didn’t think a return trip could live
up to that first trip, but once again, Pere M delivered a thrilling day of fun
and excitement.

Yesterday was just one of many ‘I never believed I’d ever be
able to do this’ type of experiences that I have had since changing my life. Even
though I went on a family vacation every summer as a kid, there are SO MANY
things that I yet to experience; so many places I’ve never been; so much life
left to live. Although fly-fishing is likely not on many people’s ‘bucket list’,
it just another one of those…. ‘Oh my goodness….how cool is this” moments that
never would have been possible when I weighed 400+ pounds and was unable to
walk. I never would have been able to get down to the river, let alone in a
boat. Perhaps this summer I will even be able to take my canoe out for a river
trip; something I used to do multiple times every summer, but haven’t done in
at least ten years. So much fun waiting… little time…...sigh…..but LIFE IS
SHORT… I encourage you to do whatever you need to do so that you can live
life to the fullest.
Tomorrow will be another one of those new and exciting
experiences; I am speaking to a large crowd at the Soaring Eagle Casino! Although I’ve shared my story many times,
this is the biggest crowd yet. The “new thing’ isn’t the size of the crowd,
(although that is A LOT of people), but rather the fact that it will be on the big
stage in the entertainment hall of the casino: the same stage that Vince Gill
appeared last weekend. It’s hard to believe
this, but, with the exception of the concert in the park that my friend JO took
me to last summer in Dayton, I’ve never even been to a professional concert
before, although I have been to several plays and taken kids on field trips to
see the Radio City Rockettes back in my teaching days. It’s hard to believe that
my first visit to a big concert hall will find me standing on the
stage!!!! Like I said, so much life to live! Who knows….maybe this summer it will be zip-lining????? Or at least a trip to Comerica Park for a
Tiger ballgame or a visit to the zoo!

How about you? Are you
going to fight with all you’ve got……or are you going to give in….and up? And finally…..What is on your ‘bucket list’
of things you hope to do someday?
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