God certainly blessed us with perfect weather all weekend:
warm and sunny for three days with temperatures hovering around 80 degrees.
Absolutely gorgeous and perfect for my gardening projects. I was outside every
morning before 6 a.m. and worked well into the late afternoon, but I have five
of the gardens almost done, just about all of the plants in, the pond up and
running, and am making progress. I still have five more little beds to do next
weekend, as well as a lot of clean-up and final touches, but I’m getting there.
Of course, then comes the maintenance part. Now I just have to wait for the
perennials to bloom and the plants to take root. I kept telling a neighbor who
stopped over yesterday that “Just wait, as soon as everything blooms it will be
beautiful!” The best is yet to come; and yet, once perennials bloom and display
their glory for a few weeks, it’s all over for another year. I shouldn’t be
impatient and rush the season because it takes SO long to come back around next
year. (Note to self: practice what you preach, Theresa….Enjoy the process! LOL)
One of the things I like best about gardening is that it
provides me with an opportunity to escape into my own thoughts; to avoid the
normal stressors that often occupy my mind. No matter what I do, however, I am
still a deep thinker and can rarely turn off my mind. As I hauled dirt and
rocks, dug and planted, pulled weeds, etc…, my thoughts were on our journey to
wellness and to become better, more loving and happier people.
As I do each day, I prayed earlier that day that God would
“open my eyes and ears to the ways in which He reveals himself to me.” This
happens in the day-to-day things that I do, and this weekend was no exception. Planting
a garden is so much like our journey and God spoke to me over and over as I
escaped into the tasks at hand, surrounded by His glorious creation. Let me
One of the first things that must be done when digging a new
bed or garden is to have a plan. One of my neighbors offered to go to the
recycle place in town to get me compost and dirt and kept asking, “How much do
you want; where should I dump it,” etc…?
He became a bit frustrated when I said, “I don’t know yet….I’m not sure
how much I need…. I haven’t decided….” These were all true statements, because
I honestly didn’t know where the pond would go, what the garden would look
like, where I was going to put the vegetables, until I made a plan and changed
it multiple times. When I pull the “gardening stuff (wind chimes, shepherd’s
hooks, statues, etc…) out of the shed each spring, I have no idea where they
will end up each season. Likewise, I bring home flats of flowers and hanging
baskets, and I have no idea what pot or garden will become their summer home.
It takes rearranging, moving, stepping back and looking, moving again, often many
times, before I’m satisfied, and then all summer long I’ll be moving and
adjusting as the flowers bloom and spread out.
For three days, the entire yard is full of bags of dirt, rocks, garden
tools, plants of all sorts, all kinds of “stuff”, making the place a total mess
for a couple of days, but it’s important to have all the tools and things I
need in order to create my masterpiece.
Our journey is just like this. Although I started my journey
on a whim….no pre-planning involved….just a moment of epiphany at 6 p.m. one
night in the middle of the week…. I immediately had to go out and get the
“tools” needed to succeed. In my case, it was a calorie counting book and
healthy food. As you go about your own journey, or contemplate starting one,
either for the first time or AGAIN, you will find it is helpful to have a plan
and be prepared. This means getting rid of the junk food, finding a support
group or weight loss plan if you so desire, reaching out to others who share
your struggles or addictions, speaking to a doctor or counselor about
medication or therapy, and stocking your pantry with healthy options to make it
easier to make good choices. If you start a new weight loss plan and don’t have
these things at hand, or you give up smoking or drinking and still have your
vices stashed away in a drawer someplace, then the temptation to eat chips or
cookies at 10 p.m. when the munchies happen, or to smoke or drink at the first
sign of stress will become a stumbling block. Sometimes you even have to change
things up, get new friends, make new habits, or try something new if you find
that what you’re doing isn’t working.
Get a plan….get all the stuff and tools you need…..and then get busy.
As I took some of the plants out of the plastic pots, once
again, I thought about our journey. Some of them were a bit tattered and showed
stress; some had roots that had become ‘pot bound’ and were struggling to be
“free”, others had roots that barely held the dirt. Some were dried out and
some were loaded with buds. A quick glance at the information label stuck in
the pots revealed that each of them had different ideal growing needs. Some
needed more space and sun to grow than others; some had the potential to grow
tall and lanky while others were short and squatty; some needed to be planted
deeper than others and each had their own expected blooming time. Some would
need extra support and staking; others would grow strong roots that went deep
and would stand up to the hot sun, wind, or weather.
Again, so much like us. Each of us are unique in our
requirements to bloom and reach our potential... Some of us, like me, need a
lot of personal space and time alone to reflect, pray, and think; others desire
to be surrounded by others or live in a house full of people. Some of us need
extra “support” and join a weight loss, addiction recovery, or church group to
help us be strong when life issues threaten our growth. Others have deep roots
and are determined from the get-go to succeed and are able to withstand all
that life throws at them. Some reach their potential earlier than others and
some require more care than others. In the same way, some of us come “out of
the pots” a bit more bruised, tattered, or damaged by the wear-and-tear of
life’s hurts and have an uphill battle to reach our potential. Regardless of
the individual needs of each plant, and our individual needs to succeed, when
we all bloom and blossom together, it will create a masterpiece of
breath-taking beauty…..but IT TAKES TIME!
I spent a lot of time this weekend pulling weeds. This will
be something that I need to do almost daily throughout the season. Gosh, they
grow everywhere and are very difficult to control. It’s amazing how deep their
roots are and how easily they grow in even the harshest conditions. Sure, I
could have just planted my vegetables and flowers in the midst of them, but in
order to give the plants the best chance at survival, not to mention to make
the beds look better, I had to get rid of the weeds that would rob the new
plants of nutrients and water, crowd out their roots, or threaten to overtake
them. Again….just like our journey. Sometimes we have no control over our “garden’
and we are surrounded by “weeds” every day. We may not have the ability to get
rid of those “annoyances….that irritating co-worker or neighbor, critical
in-law or spouse, or anyone else who frustrates, aggravates, or threatens to
sabotage or success,” and we have no choice but to dwell in the same area
together, doing our best to grow and blossom. Other times, however, those weeds
come in the form of our own thought and attitudes. Things like doubt, despair,
hopelessness, unworthiness, and shame can run very deep and be hard to remove.
Likely we will have to keep at it EVERY DAY because negativity grows easier
than positivity and can stand up to even the harshest elements. Those thoughts
and attitudes, however, are the very things that will rob us of what we need to
At the end of the day yesterday, I sat on my swing and just
looked at the two gardens that are about done. I told my neighbor, “Just wait
until July when it is in full bloom, it will be beautiful!” I immediately
followed that with, “Yeah, but I guess it is such a short-lived season, that I
should enjoy it at all stages of growth.”
Hmmm…..again…..just like our journey. Certainly, we all want to reach
our goal and we think that life will be so much better when we do, but what
about the process of getting there? What
about the joy and excitement I will get each day when I go out and see that one
of the plants are producing buds or another is just about ready to bloom? What about the thrill of seeing a battered,
bruised up plant that I never expected to grow take root and send off new
growth? What about the ever-changing
signs of new life that will be on display each day?
Sigh…..Thank you, God, for the reminder to enjoy the process
of changing my life. We all become impatient at times and would like to wake up
‘at goal,” but what will we miss in the process? How about the joy of being able to zip up a
pair of pants this week that didn’t fit last month? What about the thrill of seeing the scale
drop below 250…or 200….pounds for the first time in years? What about the victorious feeling of being
able to discover that you can do something that you couldn’t do last
summer? Getting to be where we want to
be is a long process….and trust me…once you get where you want to be, it is a
LOT OF HARD WORK to stay there! No
matter what stage we are at the journey, it takes daily maintenance to keep it
looking beautiful. Enjoy the joy and anticipation of each new day.

Make it a great day today, my friends!
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