Good Morning and Happy Mother’s Day to all women in the
group, regardless of whether or not you have children/grandchildren of your
own. Today is a day to celebrate women and the ways in which we nurture those
around us. Mother’s Day is not an easy day for me because my mom passed away
when I was in my 20’s and both of my grandmothers have died as well. It doesn’t
seem to matter how much time has passed since their deaths; days like today
always remind me that they are no longer “physically” with me each day…….and
yet, I know that their spirit and tenacity are deeply rooted in my soul.
It’s been a busy few days. I was out-of-town to speak at a
conference for my job at the college this week, returning on Friday night, and
then yesterday was graduation. Even though it was pouring down rain, it was a
full house and there was a lot of joy and celebration in that gymnasium. I felt
a lot of emotion as I watched as many of my students received their hard earned
diplomas, often attending school while dealing with a plethora of ‘outside
issues” and academic, financial, and/or personal struggles. It strengthens me
on my own journey when I witness the
rewards of hard work in others. In my day-to-day interaction, I’m often
privileged to share my own story with a student, not just the weight loss
journey, but also the story of returning to college in my 40’s, unemployed,
obese, and desperate. Like you….and me….those students had to be focused and
determined in the pursuit of that diploma, and continually remind themselves
that the outcome would be worth the effort.
Whether I’m speaking to a large group, answering e-mail from
some who has read my story, or encouraging a student one-on-one, I am often
asked, “Theresa, have you always been this driven?” I smile, and say, “Absolutely, however, most
of those close to me refer to me as stubborn and bull-headed.” Driven: I like
that. Usually, I say, “determined,” but driven works. I usually then share that I learned that
trait from my parents and grandparents.
Every year, as Mother’s Day approaches, I reflect on those
individuals that helped me become strong and instilled in me a determination
and drive to keep on going and a strength to persevere with things get tough.
My mother and grandmothers are right at the top of the list, as so, on this
Mother’s Day morning, I offered a prayer of thanksgiving to God for the many
ways that these beautiful women continue to influence my life on a daily basis,
even though they have been in heaven for many years.
My grandma Borawski, Florence, had a similar childhood.
Growing up during the depression, one of six children, money was always tight
and yet, they got somehow got by. She often spoke about wearing hand-me-downs
as a child (hmmm….and here I am a Salvation Army Thrift store queen! J), but when I was
growing up, I loved to go her in bathroom because the counter was COVERED with
make-up, perfume, and lotions of all kinds and she loved clothes (hmmm….again! J). Her grandparents owned some cabins up in
Indian River, Michigan and she spent summers up there in the north woods. This
is likely where my love of northern Michigan came from. Grandma was one of the
“toughest” women I know, and would take on anyone….male or female….that
challenged her. As a bartender for more than 20 years, she often told stories
of picking up some drunk guy and “tossing” him out the door. All she had to do
was look at us with “that look” and all of us grandchildren would straighten up
in a minute. And yet… I never remember
her ever saying a cross word to me. In
her eyes….I could do no wrong.
Like Evelyn’s, my grandma’s life was filled with heartache.
She lost my dad when he was only 34 years old. She never got over his death;
how could you? Those of you that have lost children would understand; I cannot
even begin to comprehend what it must be like to lose a child. She buried a
second son when he was 47. Between that, she dealt with my grandfather, a man
who struggled with alcohol issues, was often drunk, and ended up having a
debilitating stroke in his early 50’s. I never remember grandpa being able to
walk or talk….and yet, my grandma took care of him as long as she could while
continuing to work full-time, maintain a house, and raising six children. I
remember her telling me one time that my father was in the hospital in Detroit
(35 miles in one direction), my grandfather was in the hospital in Toledo (35
miles the other direction), and my great-grandma was in the hospital in Trenton
(in the middle) and EVERY DAY…even though she didn’t get home from work until 3
a.m., she would get up, take care of the household stuff, get things ready for
dinner…and make the trip to see EACH OF THEM in the hospital….before going to
work in the afternoon. How did she do
that? How did she get through those
years of struggle? How did she keep going and going and going? She was strong….and stubborn….and
determined….and just somehow found the strength to “do whatever she had to do.”
And she had fun along the way. She was always the center of attention,
well-liked, and the life of the party. She loved to sing, laugh, have a good
time, and celebrate. And….in her eyes…. I could do no wrong! And even though
she didn’t really acknowledge it fully until late in life when she had nothing
but time on her hands, she was a woman of great faith. To this day, I maintain
that my MIRACLE began the day she went to heaven and had a little chat with
God….because her death was the beginning of my journey to a healthier
life. She died in 2011 at age 90….and I
miss her deeply. And yet… I KNOW….that her determination, drive, and strength
have been deeply rooted in me….and have been instrumental to me on my journey.
Finally, my mother…..the woman who gave me life. Another
woman who endured hardship, grief and loss….and yet…was the kindest, most
generous, and caring woman I know. She married the love of her life, my dad, at
age 26, and gave birth to three of us; I am the oldest. I was only eight years
old when mom lost my dad at age 34, leaving her a young widow with three small
children. Although I knew the sting of grief, I never UNDERSTOOD the loss she
must have felt until I grew up and fell in love myself. How do you go on when
you lose the love of your life at such a young age and have to support and
raise three children alone? How do you
make yourself get out of bed each day….go to work….put on a happy face…do what
you have to do? I never remember seeing
her cry until later in life. What I did
see, is a woman who ALWAYS put the needs of others first….coming home exhausted
from work…and yet going to visit the neighbor lady who was dying of cancer, baking
something for the bake sale and church, sending a card to someone who was ill
or lonely, or visiting the sick.
She was an amazing woman….one of GREAT FAITH. She married my
step-dad in the late 1970’s and welcomed his six children into her brood and
shortly after that, she developed cardio-myopathy, a serious heart disease that
would eventually take her life at age 54. And yet….in spite of the crosses she
was given….she always drew her strength from God….and taught me to do the same.
She always believed that God would give her what she needed to handle whatever
came her way. She was driven….she was strong….she was kind…she was loving….and
above all……she was COMPASSIONATE. I
want to be like that when I grow up!
And so… these early hours of Mother’s Day, my heart is
somewhat sad today because I miss these three women….and yet, mostly, I am
eternally grateful to them…..and to GOD….for the blessing they were (and
continue to be) in my life. They have taught me to love; to endure; to cherish
each day; to be kind. Mostly, they have taught me to “KEEP ON keeping on” and
to TRUST that no matter what….no matter how hard the road becomes….no matter
how tough the journey is….that GOD will always be at my side; will always
direct my steps; and will always give me what I need to carry on.
So when asked….”Theresa, have you always been this
determined”, I simply must say, “Absolutely, I was taught by the best!” I will
“keep on keeping on” because I know …that wherever they are this day….their
spirit is alive and well in me….and that they are praying for me, supporting
me, and giving me strength.
Happy Mother’s Day Mom…and Grandma’s. I hope that each day of my life I live in a
way that makes you proud….and brings honor to your name.
As you reflect on your own personal journey, try to find
someone in your life…past or present…that will inspire you to keep going when
you are weary and want to give up. Someone that will believe that you can do
it, even when it appears impossible. Someone that will support you; pray for
you; encourage, and always see goodness in you.
Surround yourself with those people; draw strength from them; and when
all else fails….KNOW THAT I WILL DO THAT FOR YOU! I believe in you….I am here for you…. I
struggle with you….and I KNOW that with God….all things are possible! Enjoy your day today….and be especially kind
to those who are sad this day.
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