Happy Sunday! As I continue through this holiday weekend, surrounded by about 30 family members who are here for the weekend, I find that I must continually seek the peacefulness that dwells within as I deal with the people around me. I'm having a good time and even stayed up past dark to watch the fireworks last night...Woot! Woot! :-) but I'm finding I must 'go with the flow" as I deal with the disruption of my typical schedule.
The words on this clip will be my mantra as I go about this day. It serves as a stark reminder to each of us that "Changing one's appearance....losing a significant amount of weight.......working to transform our bodies.... does not guarantee happiness or peace." That must come from internal change in the way we think; react; and respond to those things around us that we cannot control. Losing weight alone does not make one beautiful; beauty and contentment comes from within; from the acceptance of one's flaws; and the continued desire to be kind, compassionate, and loving. Even a "fit" rocking body cannot cover up a bitter, resentful, or selfish spirit. My prayer today....as always is "God, transform my mind, my spirit, and my heart, so that in turn, my body will be transformed to reflect the peace, joy, and beauty deep in my heart."
I hope you are having a wonderful holiday weekend! It's almost daylight; I'm off for my walk before church.
My name is Theresa Borawski and I have been blessed with a miracle! I have lost 275 pounds, without surgery or fad diets, and went from a wheelchair to a treadmill! This is my story! To read more about my miracle, visit my website: www.theresaborawski.net and/or join my Facebook group: WE CAN CHANGE OUR LIVES!
Sunday, August 31, 2014
Saturday, August 30, 2014
Enjoy the holiday weekend
The taste of "regret" lasts much longer than the taste of that chocolate donut or piece of cake. It's the holiday weekend....and you are likely going to be surrounded by all sorts of goodies....choice wisely, and if you do partake or stray a bit off track, at least take a walk or bike ride to counteract your choices. Whatever you do.....don't throw in the "whole towel" just because you slip up a bit. Be safe....have fun....and enjoy the holiday!
Friday, August 29, 2014
Wouldn't it be nice?
Just imagine how much better we would feel if we had a scale that read like this one! Too often we let this little piece of equipment determine our self-worth. Remember....the scale is just a tool to help us keep track of our weight. It is NOT a measure of our beauty. Beauty comes from within.....from the kindness, compassion, love we possess inside. You are beautiful regardless of the number on the scale.... Use the scale to mark your progress....not define you. BUT....make good choices and keep working to reach your goals!
Thursday, August 28, 2014
Focus on your success; not your failures
When I came across this clip, I was immediately reminded of
my First Reconciliation back in the 4th grade. Goodness, that was
almost 40 years ago, and yet I remember it like it was last month. For those of you that are not familiar with First
Reconciliation, it is the Catholic sacrament of “confession” where a person and
a priest have a conversation about one’s failures and shortcomings and the
person asks for God’s forgiveness. The Catholic tradition of
Confession/Penance/Reconciliation (whatever term you wish to use) is often a
point of conflict/confusion/misunderstanding, etc. amongst Christians and is
certainly not anything I wish to debate at this time; I’m simply sharing
something that happened during my first experience with the sacrament and how
it relates to my journey.
In any case, like most children, I was VERY nervous to go
into the Reconciliation Room and tell my sins to the priest….who happened to be
Fr. Sauter…the priest I knew well then, and ended up being one of my dearest
friends; the one whose death in my arms was one of the losses that sent me spiraling
out of control several years back. I
went into the room and knelt down. Father was facing the other direction and
couldn’t see me, but still I was nervous as all get out. After all, I was about
to tell him my list of “sins” (how bad could they be at 9 years old?). I had no problem coming up with a very long
list of my faults and failures, even as a child, but still, was trembling as I told
them to him, knowing he was my mother’s boss and a person I saw nearly every
day. I told him my sins and was then horrified when he said, “Ok, Theresa, now
tell me the GOOD things you’ve done.” I
lost my breath for a minute….HOW DID HE KNOW IT WAS ME??? “HE was facing the other way; oh my goodness,
I am SO embarrassed….Oh no, what if he told my mother” were my immediate
thoughts and I was dumbfounded at his question.
“What do you mean, tell you the GOOD things I’ve done”, I thought. I’m
not GOOD. I don’t do GOOD things. I’m a brat. I’m a bad kid. I just told you
all my sins….that I fight with my brother and sister; that I sass my mother;
that I disobey and am lazy……and whatever other things I might have done. I literally was silenced and did not know
what to say. He asked me some other
questions and helped me realize that certainly I did/do good things: I help
others in school; I did my homework without being told; I went to mass and
prayed without a fuss; I helped my mother, etc… and I left feeling better than I
had went in, which is essentially the whole purpose of the sacrament.
I share this story with you because that experience clearly
reminds me of an area of my life that I’ve struggled with for 40 years: seeing
faults easier than seeing goodness. It is
SO MUCH EASIER to focus on our shortcomings (after all, I was raised with the
Catholic guilt… I was ALWAYS doing something wrong…sigh) than on our success. It
could be considered “pride” to ‘toot my own horn,’ if you will…and yet…that
very principle of dwelling on our weakness instead of rejoicing in our gifts
can cripple our journey.
How many times have you went to weigh-in and gained weight
and immediately felt like a failure….even if you’ve lost a significant amount
of weight already? How many times have
you had a boss/friend/loved one make ONE critical comment and you felt
shattered or hurt, even if he/she said positive things many times before? How many times have you ‘beaten yourself up”
emotionally/mentally/spiritually when you gave into temptation, binged, or
did/said something that you later regretted, even if you’ve been strong and did
the right thing countless of times before?
Like me, I’m guessing you can answer, “Many….I do it all the time”.
A person doesn’t typically begin a journey to change unless
he/she has things about him/herself that he/she is not happy about. A person
who thinks he/she is “perfect” wouldn’t want to change. Point being…we are all
flawed in some way; we all want to look better, feel better, act better…and
change our behavior in some way…. Or we wouldn’t be trying to change our
life. It is likely easy for us to point
out our shortcomings, our faults…in the case of weight issues, we don’t even
have to point it out: it’s there for the world to see. We already KNOW we need
to work on ourselves. We already KNOW that we need to lose weight/get fit/be
nicer/get more exercise/improve our relationships/give up our vices…etc…. It’s
easy to focus on the negative, but much harder to focus on the positive things
about ourselves. And yet…it is CRITICAL to our well-being that we begin to
recognize the GOOD things about our bodies…our lives…our relationships so that we
can become people of gratitude and can continue to be motivated to change and
work to be better.
So…..TODAY (and again tomorrow and the next day…and the
next)….I will ask myself (and you) the question that my dear priest asked me, “So,
Theresa….what are some of the GOOD things you’ve done?” What are some of the GOOD things about you….that
you did to help you on your journey?
Hmmm……as I sit here this morning, reflecting and drinking my coffee…I’m
making a mental list that includes these:
Well…I forced myself to take a walk yesterday morning at
6:30, even though I got caught in the rain and had to come home and re-do my
hair before work.
I have gone 8 days now without eating a protein bar (not a
bad thing to eat, but one in which I was losing control by eating too many of
I woke up at 1:00 a.m. this morning to use the bathroom and
DIDN’T go into the kitchen to get something to eat, a habit that I have been
struggling with.
I took time already this morning to pray/reflect/think about
my journey and ask for God’s strength this day.
The list contains other things and shortly, when I get ready
for work and while taking my morning walk, I’ll be telling myself good things
about me… I am strong; I am capable of succeeding; I have potential; I am
beautiful….IN SPITE OF…(and I’m going to try to delete the “in spite of’s” from
my mind today); I AM a loser (in this case..a weight loser; A VERY GOOD THING
to be a loser!!! ) I AM going to make a difference in someone’s life today at
work; at home; on Facebook; in the store…wherever I may go; I AM…. I will work very hard today not to focus on
those things that I AM NOT…those areas where I need to improve…those areas
where I have failed….those things that I am not yet able to do…or do well, but
rather on my successes. I encourage you
to do the same.
Rejoice in HOW far you’ve come; not how far you’ve yet to
go. Celebrate how far you can walk; how
long you can be on the treadmill; how much better you feel….not on how slow you
have to walk, how short of breath you become, how much further your friend can
go. Focus on how many times you’ve
resisted temptation and made a good choice; not on how many times you’ve given
in. Remember how many times you “held
your tongue” and said something nice, rather than those times you’ve lashed out
or regretted that sarcastic comment that just “slipped out”. Mostly….concentrate on all the blessings you
have, all the kind things your spouse/child did today….not on the messes they
left; not on the things you WISH you had; not on the rust on your car or the
stains on the carpet; not on the unpleasant things about your job but rather
that you HAVE a car, a home, a job.
Changing our way of
thinking is harder than changing our way of acting, but it is the key. Let’s
pledge together to focus on our success today….not our failure.
Have a wonderful day!!!!
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Change your life by changing your thoughts
Happy Wednesday! You’ve likely heard that phrase, “You are
what you eat.” Well, I don’t recall ever
feeling/being a watermelon, bowl of oatmeal, or a Greek yogurt! I prefer to say, “You are what you THINK!” I really believe that lasting transformation
starts when we begin to change the way we THINK about things, especially about
ourselves. Our thoughts have incredible power over our actions.
Oftentimes we fail to find happiness, peace, and/or reach
our goals in life because we think of ourselves as a failure; unworthy or
undeserving; incompetent and useless. Perhaps you were told those lies by
others or bullied as a kid and eventually you began to believe it. Perhaps you
had a childhood where you grew up believing that you were ‘stupid” or “wouldn’t
amount to anything”. Perhaps you struggled in school or had difficulty holding
a job and began to believe that you would never be ‘good enough” no matter how
hard you tried. Maybe you’ve tried multiple times to lose weight or quit
smoking/drinking and you’ve failed, so you don’t believe you will ever succeed.
Oftentimes, these types of thoughts can
cripple a person emotionally, spiritually, and physically, especially if one
turns to food, drugs, alcohol, or some other unhealthy behavior to mask or
cover the pain. More often than not, thoughts of unworthiness and failure keep
one from starting a life style change simply because, “I’m never going to lose
the weight anyway; Why try” dominates one’s thoughts. It’s time to break that chain….to begin to
THINK like a winner…..THINK like an achiever……THINK like a champion!!!
Changing one’s thoughts is as hard as changing one’s habits;
perhaps even harder. It’s a daily struggle to think positive, but so essential.
I continually battle thoughts of doubt, self-worth, fear and insecurity. It’s
easier to look in the mirror and see my wrinkles, excess skin, and bags under
my eyes than to see beauty and grace. It’s easier to find fault than goodness, especially
when I’m weary or not feeling well. I think we all struggle with self-esteem
issues, especially if we stray off plan or struggle to keep on track;
especially if we’ve tried and failed many times before; especially if we are surrounded
by people in our lives that fail to support us emotionally or give us a
compliment or even a simple, “thank you” once in a while. The truth, however,
is that WE WILL NEVER succeed unless we first BELIEVE that we can, so
seriously, it is more important to work on changing how we THINK before
changing how we EAT. Those will go hand in hand.
SO…. When I began my journey a few years ago, it was
important for me to continually tell myself that “I CAN do this” and “I am
GOING to walk again” and “I’m going to
SHOW them (my sister mostly) that I can do whatever I make up my mind to do.”
Of course there were days when I didn’t believe it but it didn’t’ matter if I doubted
it or not, I said it…..over and over again.
Eventually, after telling myself that, I began to believe it and I began
to see results. Setting small, achievable goals helped because reaching those
goals added fuel to my thoughts. “See…. You
CAN do this, Theresa” I’d say after losing 10 or 15 pounds. “See…..You ARE
going to walk again without pain, Theresa” I’d say when I took my first few
steps without the cane or walker. “See…..God
does give you strength” I’d remind myself when I resisted temptation. Over and over again I’d tell myself (I still
do…all day long) that I’m worthy; I’m capable; I’m a winner. ..and therefore,
if I am those things, I deserve to treat myself like it……and that means eating
good, nutritious food, getting as much physical activity as possible, and being
kind and patient to myself……and others as well.
Changing one’s thoughts is as important as changing one’s
eating habits. Here are some ways I did/do
work on that…..
Sticky notes….on the mirror, on my refrigerator, in my purse…..with
phrases like, “You can do this!” “You
are a winner!” “You are beautiful!” “I
can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” and a whole plethora of
Having good people in my life that can remind me of my
goodness….or act as mirrors to reflect that goodness back to me when I’m
feeling down or insecure (you know the kind…the ones that think you are the sun
and the moon….Gosh, I miss my Grandma Borawski….sigh…..) If all the people in
our world are negative, critical, or fail to say kind words to encourage you,
it’s time to find new friends. Remember, you don’t deserve to be belittled,
called names, or treated disrespectful. Surround yourself with those who think
you are wonderful.
Celebrate the victories….even the small ones! Reward
yourself when you meet a goal (not with food!) and be patient when you struggle
or plateau. Remember, your self-worth is not determined by a number on the
scale or your pant size.
Ask God to help you see in yourself what He sees in you;
true beauty and goodness. My prayer each
day is “Transform my thoughts, O God, so that my body may be transformed as
well. Help me “see” like you; “speak” like you; “think” like you; and “love and
act” like you. God will set you free
from negative thoughts….about others and mostly about yourself.
Finally, be grateful.
Thank God for all the blessings in your life. When you begin to
recognize all the things that you DO have instead of focusing on the things
that you DON’T have, you’ll begin to think differently about yourself and your
actions will follow. Try to think of the
positive things about yourself…like your beautiful eyes or caring heart….rather
than your thunder thighs or spare tire.
When you see yourself in a good light, you will begin to treat yourself
better…and you will see results.
Say it with me…… I
can do this! I am going to reach my
goals! I am a winner! And I CAN…and I WILL…change my life!!!! Even if I don’t believe it, Theresa does….and
that’s good enough for me!
Have a wonderful day today…..by thinking wonderful thoughts!
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Plan now to be successful over Labor Day weekend
In just few days, those of us in United States will enter the Labor Day holiday weekend; often considered the “last hurray” of summer before the kids go back to school. Many of you will be traveling and the north woods will be full of weekend visitors. I will have a large group of family members gathering up at the family camp, “Pip’s Place”, for a few days of family fun. Aunts, uncles, cousins, and my sister, brother and their families will all be here. After a week of extended work hours, I’ll be ready for a long weekend, but along with the family, comes a whole lot of temptation because I will be surrounded by all sorts of good food and treats for three days.
One of the keys to my success thus far has been in “Making a Plan” to keep on track so that I can eliminate any excuse to abandon my plan and/or give into temptation. I’m not saying my “way of thinking” is any better than anyone else’s, but I know my own mentality and I’m not one that is able to “take a weekend off plan” and pick back up on Monday, so I have to think ahead. I just don’t trust myself to “eat what I want on the weekend” and return to my “way of life” when I return to work. For some of you, this works, but for me…it’ doesn’t….and so now, early in the week, I’ve already begun to plan ahead for success. How…..you might ask? Are you really going to make it all weekend without “cheating”? Yup….been there; done that….for more than three years without giving in….not even once….so I’m planning NOW to do it again. As good as a big, juicy cheeseburger or a piece of birthday cake might be, it’s just not worth it to me. So…. How are you going to be surrounded by BBQ’s, big breakfasts, birthday cake, and Uncle Bob’s famous spaghetti and stay on track without feeling deprived?
Well, I’ll take it one meal at a time and make some substitutions. My grocery list this week will include a package of low-calorie hot dogs (there is an Oscar Meyer brand that is only 50 calories each), a pound of ground turkey for burgers, a loaf of 35-calorie-a-slice wheat bread to use instead of buns for either the hotdogs/burger and for French toast with sugar-free syrup and spray butter, a spaghetti squash to shred instead of pasta, and a whole bunch of fresh fruit (peaches and melon are now in season) and vegetables. And…you guessed it…a watermelon….or two!!!! I’ll make a smoothie with yogurt, unsweetened almond milk, and frozen strawberries for the birthday party and eat it like ice-cream when cake is served, and maybe add fresh blueberries to oatmeal when the family is eating biscuits and gravy. The berries will be a special treat to the usual plain-ole oatmeal I typically eat, making it feel like a “holiday”. When the family is enjoying campfire treats, I may make air-popped popcorn if I’m feeling like I need to snack. I might make a side dish of butternut squash sweetened with Splenda and cinnamon or perhaps a baked apple for a dessert. I’ll be sure to have a lot of options available…just in case the smell of s’mores becomes overwhelming.
I’ve been down this road before and have not strayed off track….but only by planning ahead (and the Grace of God) and having things on hand to eliminate any excuse to give in to the “Oh, you have to try this” or the “Just a little bit won’t hurt” that I might encounter from a well-meaning family member that really doesn’t understand my “I could…but I choose NOT to” mindset. Also… I’ll keep myself busy playing with the nieces and nephews, taking walks or bike rides, working in the flower beds, swimming, and being as active as possible. And when all else fails, I’ll remove myself from the temptation and go home if I feel myself feeling stressed, overwhelmed, or tempted so that I don’t give into emotional eating. Certainly I won’t make others feel bad for my choices. It’s just not worth it to me to take two steps back….for what…..a few minutes of “oh my goodness…this is SO delicious?” If it’s worth it to you; go for it, but plan to minimize the damage with an extra-long walk or more time on the treadmill. Remember, our journey is personal; what works for me may not necessarily work for you.
So….what are your weekend plans…..and how are you going to stay on track if you are camping, having a BBQ or picnic, or traveling? Are you planning for success….or taking the weekend off? Do you have any tips for the rest of us? Whatever you do, don’t set yourself up for failure by failing to plan ahead. I’m living proof that YES…you can get resist temptation….Yes, you can enjoy a holiday weekend without giving in…and YES, you can go back to work on Tuesday without feeling guilty or afraid to face the scale, but it doesn’t ‘JUST HAPPEN” by itself. You have to think ahead…plan ahead….and then, finally, stick with it! You can do it, my friends….You CAN do it!!!!!
One of the keys to my success thus far has been in “Making a Plan” to keep on track so that I can eliminate any excuse to abandon my plan and/or give into temptation. I’m not saying my “way of thinking” is any better than anyone else’s, but I know my own mentality and I’m not one that is able to “take a weekend off plan” and pick back up on Monday, so I have to think ahead. I just don’t trust myself to “eat what I want on the weekend” and return to my “way of life” when I return to work. For some of you, this works, but for me…it’ doesn’t….and so now, early in the week, I’ve already begun to plan ahead for success. How…..you might ask? Are you really going to make it all weekend without “cheating”? Yup….been there; done that….for more than three years without giving in….not even once….so I’m planning NOW to do it again. As good as a big, juicy cheeseburger or a piece of birthday cake might be, it’s just not worth it to me. So…. How are you going to be surrounded by BBQ’s, big breakfasts, birthday cake, and Uncle Bob’s famous spaghetti and stay on track without feeling deprived?
Well, I’ll take it one meal at a time and make some substitutions. My grocery list this week will include a package of low-calorie hot dogs (there is an Oscar Meyer brand that is only 50 calories each), a pound of ground turkey for burgers, a loaf of 35-calorie-a-slice wheat bread to use instead of buns for either the hotdogs/burger and for French toast with sugar-free syrup and spray butter, a spaghetti squash to shred instead of pasta, and a whole bunch of fresh fruit (peaches and melon are now in season) and vegetables. And…you guessed it…a watermelon….or two!!!! I’ll make a smoothie with yogurt, unsweetened almond milk, and frozen strawberries for the birthday party and eat it like ice-cream when cake is served, and maybe add fresh blueberries to oatmeal when the family is eating biscuits and gravy. The berries will be a special treat to the usual plain-ole oatmeal I typically eat, making it feel like a “holiday”. When the family is enjoying campfire treats, I may make air-popped popcorn if I’m feeling like I need to snack. I might make a side dish of butternut squash sweetened with Splenda and cinnamon or perhaps a baked apple for a dessert. I’ll be sure to have a lot of options available…just in case the smell of s’mores becomes overwhelming.
I’ve been down this road before and have not strayed off track….but only by planning ahead (and the Grace of God) and having things on hand to eliminate any excuse to give in to the “Oh, you have to try this” or the “Just a little bit won’t hurt” that I might encounter from a well-meaning family member that really doesn’t understand my “I could…but I choose NOT to” mindset. Also… I’ll keep myself busy playing with the nieces and nephews, taking walks or bike rides, working in the flower beds, swimming, and being as active as possible. And when all else fails, I’ll remove myself from the temptation and go home if I feel myself feeling stressed, overwhelmed, or tempted so that I don’t give into emotional eating. Certainly I won’t make others feel bad for my choices. It’s just not worth it to me to take two steps back….for what…..a few minutes of “oh my goodness…this is SO delicious?” If it’s worth it to you; go for it, but plan to minimize the damage with an extra-long walk or more time on the treadmill. Remember, our journey is personal; what works for me may not necessarily work for you.
So….what are your weekend plans…..and how are you going to stay on track if you are camping, having a BBQ or picnic, or traveling? Are you planning for success….or taking the weekend off? Do you have any tips for the rest of us? Whatever you do, don’t set yourself up for failure by failing to plan ahead. I’m living proof that YES…you can get resist temptation….Yes, you can enjoy a holiday weekend without giving in…and YES, you can go back to work on Tuesday without feeling guilty or afraid to face the scale, but it doesn’t ‘JUST HAPPEN” by itself. You have to think ahead…plan ahead….and then, finally, stick with it! You can do it, my friends….You CAN do it!!!!!
Monday, August 25, 2014
My journey is like campfire.....slow and steady
Good morning my friends. It’s a new day; a new week; a new opportunity to “get it right” this time. It’s also the first day of the new semester at the college so there will be a lot of excitement….and likely some apprehension…on campus today. I’m working extended hours this week so I will be busy and maybe a bit scarce on group.
I grew up with the warning that playing with matches was dangerous, but I still am fascinated by ¬¬a roaring fire; not the destructive kind that quickly destroys property (like the arson that burned down my family cabin) and natural resources; but, rather, the warm and inviting flames of a campfire or fireplace. In the rural area where I live, almost everyone has a fire pit in the yard and the smell of smoke lingers in the air most of the summer. I have made countless of campfires throughout the years, and although I have had my share of “duds”, I have learned by trial-and-error some lessons on making a long-lasting, beautiful one.
My friend cut down a couple of trees a few weeks ago and last week he dug up the stumps and drug them to his fire pit. On Saturday morning, I decided I would build a fire to try to burn up the stump and remaining brush. I’ve cleaned up the brush of many trees over the years and learned that branches and leaves will quickly catch fire, but unless the fire is built properly, the fire will fizzle out quickly once the leaves are gone and all that is left is fresh, green wood that is hard to burn up. Dozens and dozens of times over the years I have had to pull half-burned branches off one-by-one and start from ‘scratch” because I failed to build a proper foundation. Fortunately, I have now learned that I need to start with kindling, get that burning well, and slowly keep adding small twigs and branches until the fire starts to build; slow and steady as it gains heat and momentum. Too many times I tried to burn too much, too fast, and ended up with a mess….all because I was impatient and wanted the fire “right now.” On Saturday morning I built a very nice fire that was still burning last night when I went to bed.
As you know, it has become easy for me to make connections between my personal journey and most of the day-to-day activities that occupy my time. This is partially because my journey is now a way of life and encompasses everything I do, think, and feel, and partially because “I look for it.” I pray each day that God will make His presence known to me and will speak to me, encourage and inspire me, and teach me lessons throughout the day. The campfire provided me with a lot of “food for the journey” because building the perfect fire, one that will last and continue to burn and gain momentum, requires the same principles as being successful on my journey.
First, I needed to build a strong foundation and start slowly. So many times in our attempt to change our life, we try to do “too much-too fast” and although we may see great results very quickly; maybe even losing 10 pounds in two or three weeks, we quickly tire of the “fad” or “crazy, unbalanced diet plan” and we burn out. Our determination and resolve dies out leaving us with disappointed. I’ve been there-done that, and likely, you have too at some point. After all, we want to see results right away. We want to have a big roaring fire right away. Certainly we don’t want to take the time to build a foundation that consists of small changes, and slow, steady activity that we can sustain over a long period of time. We’re impatient and we want results…RIGHT NOW. We forget that our journey is FOR LIFE. We get discouraged and just abandon the plan because it’s easier to throw more branches on the fire and HOPE they burn than to build a fire from the bottom up that takes TIME and PATIENCE to grow hot enough to sustain itself. Ironically, however, if you build a fire with a strong, hot foundation, it is able to withstand and survive the elements….even a light rain shower or a strong wind that typically would douse it and cause it to burn itself out.
Hmmm…..kind of like our journey… if we make the changes that we can LIVE WITH and build our life around the mentality that this is now our permanent way of living/eating/thinking, we will find that our new lifestyle is able to survive the temptations that come with events like birthdays, holidays, or vacations as well as the struggles of disappointment, grief, or illness. Fads and restrictive diet plans often fizzle out when one encounters real life situations and/or the initial very quick weight loss tapers off. If you want to be successful, you have to make sustainable, slow and steady changes that you will be able to live with for the rest of your life. And yes, even the best fires burn out when the heavy rains come and they are not kept stoked, so don’t be discouraged if you have to start over AGAIN…and again…and again. Even the seasoned “veterans” who have lost weight or kicked a bad habit sometimes loses their focus and needs to start again on occasion. However, once you learn “HOW” it becomes easier to build another fire….to do the right thing and make the right choices.
After I built my initial fire on Saturday, I had to keep it stoked all weekend, lest it would burn out. I needed to periodically stir it up to rouse the embers and add more wood to keep it roaring. Sometimes I did this; other times my friend did. So much like my journey. It takes continually attention to keep the momentum and motivation, lest I lose heart and just give up. Sometimes I have to “shake things up” by altering my activity or changing my menu. Sometimes I need to drink more water or get more exercise if I feel my pants getting tight. Sometimes I am too weary to “keep inspired and motivated” by myself and I depend on someone else to “keep me stoked.” Many times it is YOU that does that for me….stirring me up, encouraging me to keep writing, and motivating me with your kind words. Oftentimes, it is “remembering” what life used to be like; looking at those “before” pictures; or reminding myself of my “IT” (see prior posts) that adds fuel to my burning desire to maintain this lifestyle. Mostly….it’s making the time to reflect, pray, and think…..and drawing strength from my God that stirs up that rouses that desire and motivation to keep trying to be better each day than I was the prior one.
Once you get that fire burning….once you begin to enjoy the light and warmth….don’t be surprised when it draws others in. There is nothing like a campfire to gather a crowd to share in the beauty and inspire conversation and friendship. I continue to be amazed at the way my story has circulated the globe and has gained such interest, and yet, I am so grateful, not for any personal gain, but because God is glorified and my story has helped bring “light” in other’s darkness; hope where there is despair; encouragement where there is doubt; and warmth and love where there is hurt and pain.
So, my friends….I encourage you to reflect on your own personal journey and see if you can make any connections to the lessons I learned this weekend….from a pile of wood and a match!
1. Slow and steady; build a firm foundation with a plan that is SUSTAINABLE and long lasting.
2. A permanent lifestyle change requires constant attention and maintenance to keep motivated and progressing.
3. Sometimes you need to “stir the pot” or “shake things up” when you feel yourself starting to fizzle or lose focus.
4. Finally, you have to share your journey, invite others in to enjoy it with you, and let your “light shine” for the Glory of God!
Stay focused today….and Make choices this day that will improve your life and the lives of those around you!
I grew up with the warning that playing with matches was dangerous, but I still am fascinated by ¬¬a roaring fire; not the destructive kind that quickly destroys property (like the arson that burned down my family cabin) and natural resources; but, rather, the warm and inviting flames of a campfire or fireplace. In the rural area where I live, almost everyone has a fire pit in the yard and the smell of smoke lingers in the air most of the summer. I have made countless of campfires throughout the years, and although I have had my share of “duds”, I have learned by trial-and-error some lessons on making a long-lasting, beautiful one.
My friend cut down a couple of trees a few weeks ago and last week he dug up the stumps and drug them to his fire pit. On Saturday morning, I decided I would build a fire to try to burn up the stump and remaining brush. I’ve cleaned up the brush of many trees over the years and learned that branches and leaves will quickly catch fire, but unless the fire is built properly, the fire will fizzle out quickly once the leaves are gone and all that is left is fresh, green wood that is hard to burn up. Dozens and dozens of times over the years I have had to pull half-burned branches off one-by-one and start from ‘scratch” because I failed to build a proper foundation. Fortunately, I have now learned that I need to start with kindling, get that burning well, and slowly keep adding small twigs and branches until the fire starts to build; slow and steady as it gains heat and momentum. Too many times I tried to burn too much, too fast, and ended up with a mess….all because I was impatient and wanted the fire “right now.” On Saturday morning I built a very nice fire that was still burning last night when I went to bed.
As you know, it has become easy for me to make connections between my personal journey and most of the day-to-day activities that occupy my time. This is partially because my journey is now a way of life and encompasses everything I do, think, and feel, and partially because “I look for it.” I pray each day that God will make His presence known to me and will speak to me, encourage and inspire me, and teach me lessons throughout the day. The campfire provided me with a lot of “food for the journey” because building the perfect fire, one that will last and continue to burn and gain momentum, requires the same principles as being successful on my journey.
First, I needed to build a strong foundation and start slowly. So many times in our attempt to change our life, we try to do “too much-too fast” and although we may see great results very quickly; maybe even losing 10 pounds in two or three weeks, we quickly tire of the “fad” or “crazy, unbalanced diet plan” and we burn out. Our determination and resolve dies out leaving us with disappointed. I’ve been there-done that, and likely, you have too at some point. After all, we want to see results right away. We want to have a big roaring fire right away. Certainly we don’t want to take the time to build a foundation that consists of small changes, and slow, steady activity that we can sustain over a long period of time. We’re impatient and we want results…RIGHT NOW. We forget that our journey is FOR LIFE. We get discouraged and just abandon the plan because it’s easier to throw more branches on the fire and HOPE they burn than to build a fire from the bottom up that takes TIME and PATIENCE to grow hot enough to sustain itself. Ironically, however, if you build a fire with a strong, hot foundation, it is able to withstand and survive the elements….even a light rain shower or a strong wind that typically would douse it and cause it to burn itself out.
Hmmm…..kind of like our journey… if we make the changes that we can LIVE WITH and build our life around the mentality that this is now our permanent way of living/eating/thinking, we will find that our new lifestyle is able to survive the temptations that come with events like birthdays, holidays, or vacations as well as the struggles of disappointment, grief, or illness. Fads and restrictive diet plans often fizzle out when one encounters real life situations and/or the initial very quick weight loss tapers off. If you want to be successful, you have to make sustainable, slow and steady changes that you will be able to live with for the rest of your life. And yes, even the best fires burn out when the heavy rains come and they are not kept stoked, so don’t be discouraged if you have to start over AGAIN…and again…and again. Even the seasoned “veterans” who have lost weight or kicked a bad habit sometimes loses their focus and needs to start again on occasion. However, once you learn “HOW” it becomes easier to build another fire….to do the right thing and make the right choices.
After I built my initial fire on Saturday, I had to keep it stoked all weekend, lest it would burn out. I needed to periodically stir it up to rouse the embers and add more wood to keep it roaring. Sometimes I did this; other times my friend did. So much like my journey. It takes continually attention to keep the momentum and motivation, lest I lose heart and just give up. Sometimes I have to “shake things up” by altering my activity or changing my menu. Sometimes I need to drink more water or get more exercise if I feel my pants getting tight. Sometimes I am too weary to “keep inspired and motivated” by myself and I depend on someone else to “keep me stoked.” Many times it is YOU that does that for me….stirring me up, encouraging me to keep writing, and motivating me with your kind words. Oftentimes, it is “remembering” what life used to be like; looking at those “before” pictures; or reminding myself of my “IT” (see prior posts) that adds fuel to my burning desire to maintain this lifestyle. Mostly….it’s making the time to reflect, pray, and think…..and drawing strength from my God that stirs up that rouses that desire and motivation to keep trying to be better each day than I was the prior one.
Once you get that fire burning….once you begin to enjoy the light and warmth….don’t be surprised when it draws others in. There is nothing like a campfire to gather a crowd to share in the beauty and inspire conversation and friendship. I continue to be amazed at the way my story has circulated the globe and has gained such interest, and yet, I am so grateful, not for any personal gain, but because God is glorified and my story has helped bring “light” in other’s darkness; hope where there is despair; encouragement where there is doubt; and warmth and love where there is hurt and pain.
So, my friends….I encourage you to reflect on your own personal journey and see if you can make any connections to the lessons I learned this weekend….from a pile of wood and a match!
1. Slow and steady; build a firm foundation with a plan that is SUSTAINABLE and long lasting.
2. A permanent lifestyle change requires constant attention and maintenance to keep motivated and progressing.
3. Sometimes you need to “stir the pot” or “shake things up” when you feel yourself starting to fizzle or lose focus.
4. Finally, you have to share your journey, invite others in to enjoy it with you, and let your “light shine” for the Glory of God!
Stay focused today….and Make choices this day that will improve your life and the lives of those around you!
Sunday, August 24, 2014
Make it a great day by telling yourself...and BELIEVING it
It's amazing what happens when you believe...... Regardless of what is on your agenda....what it "feels" like when you wake up.....what struggles lie ahead....It is a new day; you've been given "life and breath" so I encourage you to make the best of what IS....and look for the blessings which are all around you.
Friday, August 22, 2014
How BAD do you want it?
Sometimes I wish that I could have my mother back from
heaven for just five minutes so that I could say, “Thank You” for all of those
life lessons that she taught me; things I didn’t really appreciate or
understand when she died when I was in my 20’s, but have now come to
appreciate. My hope is that she is looking down and ‘knows’ the depth of my
love and gratitude.
For the most part, I really love my job counseling and advising
college students who have found themselves in some sort of challenging
situation: financial, academic, or personal; but, there days when I just shake
my head in amazement when I encounter those with a sense of “entitlement” that
challenge my patience. “But, WHY won’t let the Financial Aid department let me
have more loan money…..just because I failed every class for the past two
semesters….it’s just not fair”; “You know…that teacher was just so rude; he
expected me to read like 50 pages a week. Geez, he needs to get a life!”; “Theresa,
you just don’t understand what it’s like to go to school AND work 20 hours a
week: I don’t hardly have time to play video games anymore” and other like comments
are commonplace in my line of work. There are many ‘excuses’ but oftentimes, it
take a lot of work on my part to help
him/her acknowledge responsibility.
Oftentimes, the student is right; I just don’t “UNDERSTAND”
the sense of entitlement because I wasn’t raised that way. My mom taught me
that “There are no free rides in life: if you want something; you work to earn
it” As a kid, I complained and whined when I had to save up my babysitting
money to buy a new 3-speed bicycle or the 8-track player/stereo in the 10th
grade (both of which I still have) when other kids got them, “just because.” I
didn’t like it when there were rules and expectations that I was expected to
follow…..unless I wanted to move out on my own. What do you mean, “If I wanted
to borrow the car, I had to put gas in it? It didn’t seem fair and I didn’t like it….THEN…..but
today…. I am so grateful….because that
principle “If you want it: you have to WORK for it” and the acknowledgement “That
I can do nothing on my own but only by the Grace of God” have been the keys to
success on this personal journey and have given me the determination (and
bull-headed stubbornness that my family will attest to) to regain my life and
mobility. I am so grateful….to God….and to my parents/grandparents/teachers and
all who have helped instill that work ethic in me.
I asked a student yesterday, “How BAD do you want it?” In
her case, “IT” was to get accepted into the Nursing program. She had to double up on some pre-requisite
classes and improve her grade point average drastically in order to be
accepted: certainly an uphill battle, but not impossible. “How BAD do you want
it”, I asked again. “I want it bad enough, Theresa, that I will do whatever it
takes.” “Okay then… how can I help you get there” was my response to her.
If you were here in my living room, I’d ask you the same
things. First…..what is “IT”? What do
you want: To feel better; to lose weight; to get a better job; to have more
peace and joy in your life; to get off some of that medication; to be
smoke-alcohol-drug-free; to………? Once you
define “IT”; I’d ask… “How BAD do you want it”? And finally, “How can I help
you get there?”
Today, I encourage you to ask yourself those questions and
spend some time reflecting on your answers. My “IT” is to continue to walk
without the use of a mobility device for as long as my Rheumatoid Arthritis and
neuropathy will allow AND to continue to enjoy this freedom that comes from losing
weight and being an ‘average’ size (not skinny; not size 6; not bikini-ready)
woman. “IT” also means to be given the privilege of sharing my story with
others for the Glory of God and to share in their/your person journey. And so…the next question I ask myself EVERY
SINGLE DAY….over and over throughout the day… “How bad, Theresa, do you want
IT?” My answer….over and over and over…
is “I want “IT” more than I want that candy bar; ice cream cone; or bag of
chips!” And trust me….some days, I REALLY
want chips…..but I want “IT” more! This morning
I want to stay in this lazy boy in my
jammies enjoying another cup of coffee…..but I want “IT” more….so I will drag
my weary self to the shower so that I can get in my walk before work. If you want to be successful in your
journey; you have to want “IT” more than anything else. It’s not easy…but there
are no free rides. If you want “IT” you have to work for it!
What is it that you want….and how bad do you want it…. WHAT do
you have to do to get it….and How can I help you???? Those….my friends….are the questions of the
day. There is no easy way. It’s a choice….over and over and over again….day
in-day out….dozens of times a day. BUT…
it can be done and you are not alone in your journey. I encourage you today....you can and you
will change your life….if you want it bad enough.
And finally….if you have the opportunity to say “Thank You”
to your parents or those who have taught you valuable life lessons….then,
please do so…before it’s too late. Somehow, I think my mother knows…but still, I
wish I would have realized it sooner.
Make it a wonderful day today….and remember that I am here
cheering you on every step of the way!
Thursday, August 21, 2014
Just think....by Thanksgiving the results would be noticeable!
Thanksgiving is about 12 weeks away, and if this clip is
true, and you started today (or keep on keeping on), then when you gather with
your friends and family to celebrate the holiday, these changes will be visible
and noticeable! Whatever it is you want to change…not just weight…would be
visible…IF…..you start today. If you quit smoking….TODAY….that nasty cough may
be gone or at least less persistent. If you start exercising….you will be more
toned and will stand taller and more confident. If you “let the negativity go
and let by-gone be by-gones,” your face will show less stress and strain and
your smile will genuine. If you get rid of the sugar and junk food, you may be
an entire size smaller. What are you waiting
for???? Start today…Do it now! I have faith in you…. And besides….JUST THINK
HOW MUCH YOU WILL HAVE TO BE THANKFUL FOR……not just on Thanksgiving….but every
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
Are you eating in secret?
There was a time, not that long ago, when visiting a
Drive-Thru window was the best part of my day. Certainly, they are convenient
for someone who is in a hurry and/or one who has mobility issues, but they can
be a “big girl’s” stumbling block. When I was 400+ pounds and unable to walk,
the only way I could eat out was to frequent a place that had the drive-thru
option. It was easy: pull up to the window, order way more food than necessary,
find a parking spot, and then quickly consume thousands of calories of ‘junk’…..all
in the secrecy and privacy of my car……then just throw away the evidence of my
Even though I live a long distance from any fast-food
restaurant this was a way of life, especially when I was commuting to college
out-of-town or traveling back-and-forth downstate to care for my priest friend.
It seems there is a McDonald’s, Wendy’s, or Burger King at every exit and on every
corner in town. When I moved up north, the nearest McDonald’s was a half-hour
away, so whenever I was in town, I felt
that I OWED it to myself to hit the drive-thru “just because I was THERE in
town”; even if I wasn’t hungry or dinner time was hours away. Like Jell-O,
there’s always room for French Fries and a milk shake, right?
Besides the convenience, these windows allow a food addict
to eat in secret and avoid the shame that is often associated with an obese
person at a fast-food joint. It made it easy to overeat; after all, the teen at
the window didn’t know that those TWO Big Mac’s, super-size fries, and apple
pies were all for me. There was no one to question whether I was going to eat
ALL that food; no stares or looks of disbelief; no one to remind me that I was
about to consume 2000 or more calories. It was just me, the occasional birds
that landed on the hood waiting for a French fry, my paper bag of food, and the
privacy of my car to hide my addiction.
I was always a “closet eater” with goodies stashed away. I should
have realized back then that if I felt the need to hide what and how much I was
eating then very likely, I was not making good choices. It was almost as if I knew
subconsciously (or maybe consciously) that what I was doing was unhealthy and I
felt shame and embarrassed….so I ate in private. I lived alone so I could eat the entire bag
of chips…and there was no one to question me. I could bring home a pizza and
eat half of it…and no one knew. I thought I was hiding my addiction as I tried
to cover up my pain and grief….and yet, it was becoming increasingly visible to
the world as I gained more and more weight; only I didn’t realize that. WHY?
Probably because I chose NOT to; I was living in denial.
My friends….this clip is such a powerful reminder….. WE
CANNOT HIDE our addictive behavior. We may be able to cover it up for a while….masking
the smell of cigarettes with Febreeze or perfume; hiding the alcohol on your
breath with a mint; faking a smile to cover the pain; or inhaling the candy bar
in the bathroom…..but ultimately, the consequences for our choices becomes VERY
REAL and visible. What you eat in
private…..you wear in public, as the quote says.
I typically make good choices these days with my food, but I
still have the bad habit of taking food to bed with me along with the
newspaper. It’s a bad habit that I’m not sure I’ll ever break, but at least the
food I take is healthy and nutritious, but still….I’m often NOT HUNGRY….but I eat
anyway. I know this is a weakness and an area that needs to improve so I try to
compensate by saving calories throughout the day so that I don’t stray off
track. But still…..I need to address it at some point. I am a work in progress
and I am so glad that “God isn’t finished with me yet!” I really need to make a rule that says, “All
food must be consumed in the kitchen” but I’m not there YET.
I encourage you today….be mindful of what you eat…WHERE you
eat….and WHO is present when you do. If
you find yourself eating in ‘secret’ perhaps this is an area you might want to
reflect upon. Most of the time when we have to “HIDE” what we are doing, it’s
because somewhere deep inside, we know that the behavior is not really good for
us and we feel some shame.
Have a good day today!!!
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
What comes out of your mouth can make you more beautiful than what goes in it!
My wise mother once told me, "What comes OUT of your mouth can make you more beautiful than what goes in it, so be kind and loving to everyone you meet. Even if you lose weight, you can still be UGLY if you are not a good person, so put as much energy into that as in what you eat." I've been pondering those words this morning as I motivate myself to get moving. I have a busy day at the college today with many appointments scheduled as students scramble at the last minute to get classes and make schedule adjustments. Today, my focus will be on KINDNESS....and I will try to remember that each person I meet today deserves a smile and to be treated with respect.
Certainly, I'll also be mindful of my food choices.....because after all.... I deserve to be KIND and LOVING to myself as well.....and one of the best ways to do that is to fill my body with good, nutritious food and treat my body with respect....and as a temple of God. Be kind to one another...and to yourself as well.
Remember, you are BEAUTIFUL and WORTHWHILE....regardless of the scale; your size; your financial situation; or your faults and weaknesses. Let's help turn someone else's life around as we work to change our own! Make it a wonderful day....in spite of any challenges that come your way!
Certainly, I'll also be mindful of my food choices.....because after all.... I deserve to be KIND and LOVING to myself as well.....and one of the best ways to do that is to fill my body with good, nutritious food and treat my body with respect....and as a temple of God. Be kind to one another...and to yourself as well.
Remember, you are BEAUTIFUL and WORTHWHILE....regardless of the scale; your size; your financial situation; or your faults and weaknesses. Let's help turn someone else's life around as we work to change our own! Make it a wonderful day....in spite of any challenges that come your way!
Monday, August 18, 2014
Heading down the path
Good morning! It’s back to work today after an extended weekend
off. It was great to have a long weekend off, but it’s time to ‘buckle down”
and get back into the routine of work. Sigh………. These next two weeks will be especially
busy at the college because the new semester begins next Monday and all the
procrastinators will be coming out of the woodwork this week trying to get
things in order to enroll for Fall classes. It’s hard to believe the summer is
fading away so quickly, but many of the students, especially the first-time
freshmen will be excited to begin their new adventure. They have no idea how difficult the road
ahead will be at times and how many times they will want to quit and give up.
Fortunately, I’ve walked their path before and will be there to ‘cheer them on”
and offer support and encouragement along the way. They seem to get a bit of
comfort in knowing that I understand and am journeying with them…..very much
like this group. We’re all in this together!
The State Park has several different trails to choose from.
They vary in length and difficulty. My friends and I decided to take the
shorter trail, “Old Growth”, because it was only a little over a mile. I’m very
comfortable with my ability to walk that distance (on a level road or treadmill)
and I certainly didn’t want to venture down a path that would be too difficult
to handle and hinder my enjoyment of my surroundings; so much like my journey
to wellness. Sometimes in our quest to change our life, we ‘bite off more than
we can chew” and try to change EVERYTHING so quickly that we take a path or
choose a plan that is way more difficult than we can handle (too extreme,
exercise too much too fast, diet plan that is doesn’t include enough calories
or is too restrictive (fad diets or pills)) and we are not able to sustain it. It becomes too difficult and we give up before
reaching our goal. I wanted to enjoy the park and my walk so I preferred to
take the path that I was pretty certain I could handle, very much like my
advice to “Never start a weight loss plan or life change that you are not
willing/able to sustain for the rest of your life…..meaning…..if you KNOW you
can’t live with black coffee every day
for the rest of your life, then build in the calories for the sugar-free
French vanilla coffee creamer.”) I wanted to enjoy the journey more than I
wanted to try to see everything that there was to see, very much like now; I
want to enjoy this new life every day, more than I want to be a size 6 which I
why I am enjoying as much watermelon and peaches as I want while they are in
season! (How’s that for rationalization at its finest? LOL)
I was filled with all sorts of emotions as I headed over the
bridge to the entrance of the trail. I was excited at what may lie ahead; I was
somewhat fearful because I didn’t know where the trail led, and even though I
was prepared with mosquito spray, band-aids, water, etc., I was going someplace
I had never been before and that is always causes me to be a bit apprehensive.
Mostly, I was overcome with a sense of gratitude…..complete and humble
gratitude…..as I thought about my life only three summers ago when I couldn’t
even walk to the mailbox. There I was
standing at the beginning of a trail in a beautiful place ready to take a hike!
I had to stay a few steps ahead of my friends at the beginning
to hide the lump in my throat and the tears welling up in my eyes as I said a
silent prayer of thanks to God for His incredible goodness to me. I also was very aware of each of you and the
journey you are on; each one different and of varying difficulty, and yet so
closely united to my own. I thought
about Ginny who was shaving her head that day because she has started chemo for
cancer. I thought about Richard who was sitting at his mother’s bedside as she
faces her final days on earth. I thought about those of you that are suffering illness;
have recently lost loved ones; going through relationship struggles; are
struggling with addiction and/or trying to start over AGAIN. I thought about
those in this group that are simply along for the ride to give me support and
encouragement. Each of us are on a different road with a different destination,
but yet, we share some of the same emotions, doubts, and fears…..and like my
friends who were with me at the park, the adventure means something different
to each of us and is very personal. Even
though we were walking the path together, I’m sure my thoughts and experience
was much different than my friend Marcia’s or her daughters.
I headed down the path…..and WOW….what an incredible view.
The trees are absolutely amazing! Some of them are over 300 years old and their
trunks are so big around that three of us could barely reach around them. I stood
and looked up and once again, was filled with emotion as I marveled in their splendor.
God’s creation certainly is glorious and words seem inadequate to describe the
view. I looked up and suddenly felt so insignificant and small…..and yet….even
amidst this incredible beauty, I know that God’s love is even greater for little ole me. Sometimes when life gets difficult and the road is long, we feel alone and that God has abandoned us. We think that our worries and concerns are too insignificant to bother God with them, especially when we see others around us that are carrying an even heavier burden, but we forget that each of us is precious in God’s eyes and YES…He cares about our doubts, concerns, and struggles equally. YES, He cares about our journey; YES, he knows what it is like to be tempted; YES, He wanted to give up and felt discouraged.
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Preparing for a day-trip with the girls
Good Sunday morning! I hope that this morning finds you all
in good spirits and feeling confident, motivated, and peaceful. As I shared a
couple of days ago, I took a couple of little ‘day trips” this week. On Friday,
I took off on an adventure with my friend, Marcia, and her two daughters. The intended
destination was Hartwick Pines State Park in Grayling. When I picked them up in
the morning, I explained that we would eventually end up at the park, but part
of the fun of a road trip is the journey to get there. I had no idea what I might
come across along the way but was eager and excited to find out!
As is typical for me, just about everything I do, see, and
experience reminds me of my personal journey to wellness. It’s easy for me to make
connections with things because I have an expectation that God will speak to me
and show me things throughout the day so, therefore, I LOOK FOR THEM. You know,
kind of like when you buy a new car and THEN all of a sudden you notice that
particular style or color of car EVERYwhere?
Once you become aware of, and begin to expect…. signs of encouragement,
the ways God is present in the world, and things to motivate you, you will SEE
them everywhere and begin to believe that you are not alone on this journey.
Before I began my trip, I asked God to open my eyes and ears that I may
recognize His presence in all that I saw, heard, and experienced on my little
adventure…..and He certainly answered my prayer. What a wonderful day it was! So much of the day reminded me of my journey
to a new life and I’m sure I will be “thinking and reflecting” all week. Stay
Just the process itself of taking a vacation, a road-trip,
or traveling to a special event is so symbolic of our personal journey because
many of the same principles are involved. Before hitting the freeway, I needed
to make sure the car was road-worthy. I checked the tires and the oil; cleaned
out the back-seat, and made sure I had a full tank of gas to avoid any
unnecessary trouble or a break-down along the highway. I took a look at a map
and checked out the park on the internet so that I had some idea of where I was
going, what to expect, and what others thought about the destination. I talked
to some friends about the place; in fact, it was at their suggestion that I ventured
there. I also anticipated anything that might hinder my enjoyment and gathered
up some items (mosquito spray, sunscreen, band aids, warm clothes, and a roll
of toilet paper) so that I would be at least a little prepared for any unexpected
annoyances. I made a plan to stay on track with my food choices by packing
items that were “on-plan” so that I would have no excuse to eat junk. I knew
where I wanted to end up….the park…but I had already determined that I was not
on any given timetable and was going to enjoy whatever came up along the way,
even though at one point it seemed like it was very far and I would never get
there. I didn’t know what I’d find at
the park, but I had heard it was wonderful and worth the trip, and I believed
what I had been told about it so I was motivated and determined to “see for
myself” what it was like. And finally, I took about people that were fun;
supportive, and as excited as me about the journey. See any similarities to your own personal
journey? I certainly did!
Before I even arrived at Hartwick Pines, my mind was working
overboard thinking about the similarities.
Before we begin (or even during) a weight loss plan, join a gym or begin
an exercise routine, or enter a substance abuse or treatment program, it is
important that we consult our health-care provider (check out the car) or at
least be conscious of our bodies so that we can avoid any unnecessary “break-downs”
along the way. I’ve known more than one person who ended up with some serious
medical issues because he/she started a crazy fad diet and/or did an intensive
exercise plan and had a heart concern that needed to be addressed first. We may
not prevent EVERY issue, but at least we might prevent some. We need to anticipate unexpected things or
people that might sabotage or discourage us along the way like those who are
jealous and try to get us to “just try this…or take a bite of that…or you can
have ONE treat once in a while” and be prepared so that they don’t hamper our
progress. We will be sore when we first start exercising; we will experience
things like dry mouth, constipation, hunger and temptation, but if we know that
we might encounter those things and are prepared “just in case” we will be less
likely to quit, give up, or become discouraged. Fortunately I didn’t need the “aspirin,
band aids, sunscreen, or mosquito repellent” but I was prepared….just in case! Many
things about our personal journey will be/are difficult but if have the tools
to help make it more bearable (enjoy special treat like sugar-free jello or a
dessert; get a new haircut; buy a new outfit; call a friend or look at your “before”
pictures) you might find the strength to get through the rough times.
I started my weight loss journey on a whim, but shortly
afterward, I bought a calorie counting book and began to read all sorts of
things about healthy eating. This new way of living was ‘foreign to me’; I wasn’t
used to eating nutritious food and I had never been an average size person
before so I read magazines, listened to things online, and talked to others who
were on a similar journey to wellness, or who had been successful. I didn’t
know what to expect on this personal journey but I know that others had been
there before and I wanted to have some idea of what it was like…what I might
feel….what obstacles I might encounter along the way. When I looked at others “before-after”
pictures I knew that I wanted to go there too. (Getting a map, talking to
friends, checking out the park on the internet, reading the review, etc.) Once I
decided that, “YES, I want to experience a NEW, HEALTHIER LIFE for myself (see
the park) there was no turning back. Don’t you turn back, either: Wait to see
what it’s like to feel free from whatever addiction or situation that is
weighing heavy on your mind/body/spirit! You’ll be so glad you kept going!
Once I decided that I was definitely interested in changing
my life, I surrounded myself with others who would support, encourage,
motivate, and share my journey with me. My journey to wellness is personal and ultimately
my enjoyment and success is up to me and my choices, but it is so important
that I have like-minded, positive people (like this group) in my life to share
it with me so that if/when I get tired or weary, I am motivated to keep going. I certainly could have taken the “day-trip” by
myself, but it was much more enjoyable to have friends with me to share and
enjoy the beauty and adventure of the park, not to mention to say, “It’s only a
little bit further and you can do it when I encountered a hill or the trail
seemed long.”
Today I encourage you to make a plan to succeed, be prepared
for anything that might threaten to throw you off your game, don’t worry about
how far you have to go to get there but rather enjoy the process, and to surround
yourself with others who will support and encourage you along the way. Trust me…as I will share in future
posts ….what you will find, experience, and see at the end of the journey (and
along the way) will be beyond your expectations and will leave you
breathless! Don’t give up….it is SO
WORTH IT! Have fun….keep going….and
never stop believing that YOU CAN….and YOU WILL…change your life.More to come in the
coming days…….
Friday, August 15, 2014
Carrying stuff I don't need
Good Morning everyone! I hope you are all feeling peaceful
and happy today. I took a couple of vacation days this week (yesterday and
today) and am heading out today on a “Girl’s
Day-trip” to a State Park about 80 north
of here. The park has several hiking/walking trails through the oldest white
pine forest in the state. I’ve never been there, but I’m anticipating a
wonderful, relaxed day with my new friend, Marcia (the woman who does my
Graphic Design work and photos) and her daughters. One never knows what kind of
adventure this might be but part of the fun will be in discovering new and
wonderful things along the way….perhaps a garage sale (or two); maybe a thrift
store; maybe some ‘hidden marvel” of God’s creation. I’m approaching this ‘day-trip’
in the same way as I approach my journey to wellness: with the mentality that I
will look for new and wonderful things along the way and rejoice in the process
of “getting there” as much as the destination. Enjoy the journey for God is
present all along the way, not just when we get to our goal.
Yesterday I took a different road trip to a DNR fish
hatchery up near Honor, Michigan. My friend had been there years ago and he thought
I might like to see it. It was pretty cool, and although it wasn’t operating at
full capacity this time of year, it was a nice ride on a very lovely day and
the company was pleasant. Northern Michigan in the summer time certainly is beautiful.
Three years ago I would never have even considered taking a road-trip;
certainly not anything like this week that involved walking. It was just too
difficult at 400 pounds and I would have spent any “day-off” lying around and
medicating myself with food…but not anymore! I am abundantly blessed.
I’ve been thinking this morning about what I need to pack
for my journey and adventure today. Because I’ve never been to my intended
destination, I’m not sure what I will need, but I’ll pack a change of clothes
and the basics I need for a picnic and a day spent outdoors. Without a doubt, I’ll
be bringing “way more stuff than I need” because that’s my nature. Taking along
unnecessary baggage is an area of my life that I need to work on; I can’t ever
take a weekend trip without at least 10 pair of shoes and more clothing than I could
possibly wear, as well as a plethora of stuff “just in case. WHY, Theresa,
WHY? Just in case of what??? Today will likely be no different…..and yet….
I really know that I don’t need to carry around things that are not necessary. Hmmm….
I think there is a lesson here to be learned; this sounds very much like my
journey to wellness. Sigh….
I took a little break from this post to reflect on that last
statement about my need to carry around stuff I likely won’t need and I ultimately
ended up back at the same lesson that God has been speaking to me about for
several weeks: I really don’t need to hang on to the ‘emotional” stuff that
only weighs me down. Things like resentment; disappointment; past failure;
lingering sadness; unworthiness; and needless worry are only going to weigh me
down and make my journey more difficult. I certainly don’t “need” those things in order
to be peaceful and happy and even if I just “leave them packed away in the
closet of my mind” they are still there and will have to be picked up and moved
eventually if I need to find something I really need some day. Isn’t it time to get rid of them once and for
all? Hmm…. This will be my silent prayer
today as I walk amidst God’s creation: to surrender….truly surrender….those
thoughts, feelings, doubts, and hurts and LEAVE THEM behind. I may take them
with me on this “day-trip” but I hope to leave them behind today for good.
I once heard that we
need to put our burdens, concerns, and needs in God’s hands and leave them
there….not picking them back up and trying to handle/fix/deal with them
ourselves. This reminded me of the many times (yes, more than once) that I put
stuff out at the curb at night for the
trash man, only to change my mind and go get it the next morning before it was
picked up. Or worse yet, I donated several bags of clothing to the St. Vincent
DePaul Thrift Store and went and bought some of my own stuff back the next
week! Yikes, girl...Let it go!
And so AGAIN today, I will be reflecting on those things
that I am carrying around that might be hindering my journey or at least making
it harder and asking for God’s grace to totally surrender them so that I might be
truly free. As I’ve said before, this seems to be a theme these past weeks, so I’m
guessing it’s something I really need to work on. How about you? Are you still carrying around unnecessary
pain and hurt? Are you still doubting
that you CAN and you WILL change your life and that THIS TIME you will be
successful? Are you still listening to
that voice in your head that says, “You can’t do this…you’re not going to EVER
reach your goal….you’ve tried before and failed….You’re not worth it…..and many
others?” Are you still harboring
resentment and/or unforgiveness? If so, I
encourage you today to join me in my attempt to surrender and get rid of these
unnecessary burdens. I know that carrying them around will only slow down my
own progress and make the journey more taxing. Let’s pledge to get rid of the
emotional weight as well as the physical weight today!
I hope you enjoy whatever you have planned today and make
good choices. I’m packing a cooler full of healthy food so that I’m tempted to
hit a drive-thru or eat junk throughout the day. Make a plan to stay on track
and have a wonderful day. Please keep
one of our group members, Richard, in your prayers this weekend. His mother is
in the end stages of her life and Richard has been her care-giver for many
years. This is an extremely difficult time for him. We have others in the group
that are carrying heavy burdens of illness and pain as well.
Keep smiling….be peaceful….and know that I’ll be taking you
along with me in thought as I venture into the woods today.
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Lessons on the journey from a shooting star
Good Morning…..what a glorious morning it is! I woke up very
early, around 1:30 a.m., because my RA has been acting up a bit and the pain
makes it difficult to sleep. I tried to go back to sleep but when I realized
that I wasn’t going to be able to rest, I decided to get up and begin the day.
I’m so glad I did!
This week is the annual meteor shower. It always occurs right
around this time every year on the anniversary of my mother’s death (August
12). I watched about a half hour of news on the TV, but after listening to the
depressing stories about death, war, and suicide for a while, I decided to take
my coffee outside to watch for shooting stars. WOW! What a beautiful display of God’s glory!
Dressed in my jammies and warm robe, I sat on the garden swing in the darkness
and gazed to the heavens and was almost overcome with emotion as I very quickly
lost count of the number of shooting stars. I saw about 20 meteors in the first
ten minutes! Absolutely amazing, and it didn’t take very long for me to forget
about my aching body.
As I sat there, I really couldn’t help but be grateful for
all the ways God makes His presence known to me, but at the same time, I wondered
how many times I go through life and don’t even notice. More times than I’d
like to admit, and yet, He doesn’t stop. I’m so grateful for that! As I gazed into the night sky watching those
beams of light streak across the heavens I began to reflect on my journey and
was reminded of so many lessons.
Life is very short, and just like those shooting stars that
stream across the sky in the blink of an eye, we can miss opportunities to be kind;
to love; to help others if we get too wrapped up in our “stuff.” While it is
true that when we are trying to change our lives and improve our well-being, we
need to focus on “ourselves” for a while making time to be active; eat right;
spend time reflecting; reading; and/or discovering our gifts; we have to be
careful not to stop living and enjoying life, “just because we are not where we
want to be; we haven’t lost the weight; we are waiting until…..we get time; the
kids grow up; we retire; we get thin; we get the house the way we want it to
be; we……whatever” to take that trip, buy that ‘super cute dress’; learn to
dance, take a class, visit that relative or friend……again, WHATEVER we want to
This is an area that I really need to reflect on because it
is quite possible that I may never lose these last 20 pounds because I’ve been
just ‘holding my own” for about a year now and not straying off plan. It is
quite possible that I may never be “less busy” because my personality and
work-ethic means that when I do have some spare time I start another project
(that usually doesn’t get finished….sigh) and my friends and loved ones continue
to get older. I really need to write those letters; send those cards; and make
some phone calls. I probably will never have a sizable savings account; it’s
possible my RA and neuropathy may limit my mobility in the future; I’ll likely
never have a spotless house or organized garage…..but like those shooting stars
that pass so quickly across the night sky, the days pass so quickly and life is
so very short. As they say, “Carpe Diem….Seize the day!” I encourage you to do the same and be
grateful and take notice of the wonders around you….even if your life and body
are not where you want it to be. Enjoy the journey…..and worry less about the
Another thought…..The sky was very bright tonight due to the
Super Moon this week. Although quite beautiful, the brightness made it more
difficult to see the meteors. I positioned myself on the swing so that I was
facing the darkest part of the night sky, and yet, I was still very aware of
the moonlight. There were many shooting stars, but the ones that were the most
glorious and magnificent were those that were in the darkest areas of the sky. Hmm….Oftentimes,
God’s presence is revealed in the mightiest way in the darkness of our life….but
we have to “look up” to notice it….or it passes by. Although I could still see
the shooting stars in the part of the heavens that were illuminated by the
moonlight, they were faint and less glorious. Is it possible that God’s glory
is even more visible when we go through struggles and darkness? Is it possible that we have an opportunity to
“shine brighter and be a light to the world” when we are going through tough
times? Certainly food for thought
anyway. So many times when life gets
difficult; when we face trials and temptations; when we are sad, ill, lonely,
or in despair and want to give up; we focus so much on the darkness that we
forget to “look up” and we miss the ways God is present and revealing Himself
to us. I encourage you….dig a little
deeper; try a little harder to be positive….and keep your chin up….and you just
might see that there are still wonderful things around you …even in the darkest
times of your life.
Finally….I was reminded that I have to “do something different”
and “get out of my comfort zone” if I want to experience some of the wonders
around me. Had I not went outside in the
middle of the night....feeling a bit ‘uneasy” about the darkness and sounds of
the woods behind me….feeling the chill of the night air and the dampness of the
dew on my robe I would not have been treated to the wonderful display of
shooting stars. I’m a creature of habit but in order to enjoy all that life
offers I sometimes have to break my routine; abandon fear and apprehension; try
new things; and face the darkness. You
too, might need to try something new; take a different route; push beyond your
fear; and look at life in a new way, if you want to change your life. If you
don’t like the way things are in your life….make different choices.
I will likely be tired later this afternoon but I am so glad
that I woke up early. In this case, God used my pain to remind me of some important
life lessons, and although I don’t think He wants us to be sad or suffer, He
can reveal Himself to us in those moments….IF…and only IF…..we look for
it. I encourage you to be look at life
in a new way today; think about things in a new way; and make choices this day
that will lead you to a new life….but more than anything….be GRATEFUL…..in all
things. Have a great day today!
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
We are not alone
While it’s true that no one can change your life but you
(and God), and the choices you make are ultimately yours alone, it is so
important to realize that you are not alone on this journey. Most of us carry some
residual (perceived or very real) pain, doubt, fear, and heartache deep within
and often try to mask it with food, alcohol, drugs, or other forms of addictive
behavior…..but your life doesn’t have to be that way. Those things are only
temporary solutions to make us forget and ultimately only make things worse. Be
strong and remember that ‘we are all on this together” and even more important than
that, “God will never leave your or forsake you.”
Even those who appear
to “have it all together” or whom the world defines as “successful” often feel
isolated and alone and carry pain deep within.
My heart is sad today at the news of the death of Robin Williams, a man
who appeared, by the world’s standards, to have achieved great success. Peace
that passes all understanding, a merry heart, and the belief….deep down,
without a doubt faith….that we are not on this journey alone are blessings that
we often take for granted. Be assured,
my friends, that we are all in this together.
In the end, our fame, fortune, weight, beauty, or possessions do not
define us, nor do they give us peace; our worth and value to this world come
from within. Fill your mind with
thoughts of compassion, kindness, and love today, and above all else, be
grateful for the blessings of this day. Gratitude will change your thoughts,
which in turn will help you to make the choices that will ultimately change
your life and the lives of those around you.
Monday, August 11, 2014
Are you ready to change?
Sometimes we have to hit “rock-bottom” before we make the
decision to change our life. That was the case for me anyway. I literally was
at a point where I wanted to give up on life because I didn’t think I could go
on living that way for much longer. When we realize that, “Enough is enough,”
then likely we will be ready to begin our journey and we will find the strength
to make SMALL changes….take LITTLE step…that will bring us closer to the place
we want to be. Sometimes someTHING…..like
a health scare, an accident, arrest, or death of a loved one is the last straw,
but sometimes, we reach the point all by ourselves. Making positive changes is hard work but when
we realize that it the pain of remaining the same is greater than the pain and
struggles to change, nothing will happen. Are you ready for a change? Are you
sick and tired of feeling sad, depressed, sick and tired? If so….what can you do about it? What can you do TODAY…right now….to begin a
journey that will change your situation?
Don’t try to do it all at once…a little change here and there is all
that is needed to get the ball rolling. You can do it…We all can do it….together!
Sunday, August 10, 2014
A good reason....or just an excuse? DO IT ANYWAY!

I’m not feeling super great this morning; joints are very
stiff and sore, and I’m in a lot of pain. It’s just the nature of the Rheumatoid
Arthritis beast and a pretty common occurrence that I deal with on a regular
basis. Fortunately, it’s not a 24/7 situation like it used be a few years ago
when I was carrying around the extra weight, but it does hinder my desire to
ride my bike and limits me from doing a lot of the things I enjoy. When I woke
up this morning, I knew that it would be too painful to ride the bike today and
I was contemplating taking a walk instead to see if I could loosen up the
joints. As the darkness faded, however, I began to come up with all sorts of
reasons why I shouldn’t/couldn’t/didn’t want to even go for a walk. Pain was
one of those excuses, but I also convinced myself that I was “too tired,” “had
too much to do,” “didn’t have time,” “didn’t really feel like it,” and so forth. I had, what I thought was a
pretty good list of excuses drawn up in my head….but yet, I knew that although
those reasons had valid merit, they were just really EXCUSES to be lazy and sit
in the lazy boy for another hour. And
then….the words of my friend began to echo in my mind: “You’re going to be 50
anyway, Theresa, just do it!”
Obviously I’m not taking about college or being 50, but the
principle is still the same. Even if I don’t
go for a walk, I’m still going to be tired; I’m still going to have a lot to
do; I’m still going to be stiff and sore….but perhaps a walk would energize me,
motivate me to get my stuff done, and ease my pain and stiffness…..and so I laced
up my sneakers and went for a walk….even though I didn’t really want to or feel
like it. Once I got moving and in my
stride, however, I realized what a beautiful day it is and I had a glorious
walk. The flowers are blooming; the birds are singing; the sun is shining; and I
actually enjoyed being outside and walking….in spite of all my excuses. I ended
up walking a couple of miles and although I’m still stiff and sore, I’m glad I did.
So many times in our journey we come up with all sorts of
reasons why we can’t….or don’t want to….make changes to improve our life. It’s too hard……It’s too expensive to eat healthy…..I
have to cook for my family and they don’t like healthy food…..I don’t have time……I’ve
tried before and failed so what’s the use…..I’ll just gain it back anyway…..I
just CAN’T live without chocolate, cigarettes, a glass or two (or bottle) of
wine…..I’m not strong enough. The list
is endless; I know, I’ve used those and many others for years….and look where
it got me: over 400 pounds and unable to walk!
Have you used any of those excuses?
The truth is that life is hard no matter what you weigh; but it’s easier
to deal with when you lose a bit of weight….even 10 or 20 pounds; do it
anyway. It does cost more to buy produce
and whole foods, but if you prepare more meals at home and eat out less often
it will balance itself out and besides….junk food, soda, and candy is expensive
too….so you might as well invest in yourself and your health….do it anyway. It’s always going to be “someone’s birthday,”
“a special occasion,” or a ‘holiday weekend”; you might as well be healthier/thinner/sober/happier
when those special days come. If you
wait until the perfect day to begin our journey, you will never begin.
There are so many reasons (some very good ones) why we don’t….we
can’t…..we aren’t… but reasons aren’t necessarily very good excuses. I encourage you today….think about your
excuses and ask yourself if they are really valid…..or merely excuses…..and if
they are just an excuse…..get up….get moving….put the donut down…..and just do
it! I’m thinking you might be glad you did!
Have a great day, my friends!!!
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