Good morning. I
returned home yesterday after spending nearly a week away attending a
professional development conference for the college and an extended weekend
with Bruce. It was an awesome time away but it’s time to get back to the
routine today. I learned many things to benefit me professionally, but mostly, I
learned a lot of life lessons to enrich me personally and I am peaceful and
happy today.
A couple of days after Christmas Bruce bought me a pair of
diamond stud earrings….”just because.”
While it is evident to most that I am a ‘girly-girl” and I have a lot …..okay…too
many…..clothes, shoes, accessories, etc., most of my things are second-hand or
thrift store finds. I have a lot of costume jewelry but own only a few things
that have any monetary value. These earrings were my first diamond earrings and
although I was very flattered, I admit, I was also a bit apprehensive about
wearing them because I was afraid I would lose them. I even went and had a 2nd
set of holes pierced in my ears a few weeks back so that I wouldn’t have to
take the earrings in and out, increasing the risk of dropping one down the sink
or otherwise losing it. I am just now getting to the point where I am comfortable
enough to just leave them in the top holes and forget about them.
My fear became a reality on Valentine’s Day afternoon when
Bruce said, “Where’s your earring?” I
gasped as I reached up to find an empty hole. I was immediately overcome with
sadness and SHAME….and felt my throat tighten and my eyes filled up with tears.
I became somewhat frantic and I began to scour the hotel room for that earring.
“See,” I told him, “this is why I shouldn’t have anything valuable….I don’t
deserve nice things because I don’t know how to take care of them….” Other
similar sentiments poured out as I tried to find the words to convey my sorrow
and apologize for losing his gift. I really was devastated, but not just
because of the monetary value of the earring, but because I felt like I had
disappointed him by losing it. As I look back on it now, it seems a bit silly
that I reacted so strongly because it was just an earring, and although the
pair cost a couple of hundred dollars, it was still just an earring….not an ear,
as Bruce reminded me while trying to comfort me, and I didn’t lose it on
purpose; the back just came loose and the earring fell out. He was great about
the whole thing and handled the incident beautifully…..remaining calm, wiping
my tears, telling me it was okay, and assuring me of his love. He later told me
he had to fight back a big laugh as I sat there with tears rolling down my
cheek when I told him that, “from now on….ALL future jewelry that he purchases for
me should be cubic zirconia!”
Even though I felt a bit better after his comforting words, I
wouldn’t be able to make peace with the situation until I looked for the
earring, even though the odds of finding a small solitaire earring in a large
hotel would be nearly impossible. I called the places where we were that day to
alert them; I went through my clothing piece by piece, stripped the bed of the
covers, checked around the hotel room floor and said all the prayers I knew to
St. Anthony, the patron saint of lost items.
Still, no earring. As a last ditch effort, I decided to retrace my steps
through the hotel to the car, knowing that the likelihood of ever seeing that
earring again was slim to none. The hotel was packed this weekend with families
enjoying the Valentine’s/President’s Day/Winter Break weekend with their children
and the weather was cold and snowy, which meant the hotel carpet was full of
crumbs and pieces of salt tracked in from the sidewalk. How would I ever find a
little diamond earring? Common sense
told me it was a hopeless cause, but my strong will (better known as stubborn
bullheadedness) told me that I would never accept reality and forgive myself until
I tried my best to find it. And so I went,
retracing my steps……down the hall, on the elevator, through the lobby, into the
subzero temperatures to the car….with no luck. I felt deflated and sad. Well, at least I gave it my best effort, but I
said one last prayer to St. Anthony as I
made my way back to the hotel, now full of people and a bunch of little kids checking
in. as I entered the lobby, I kept my head down because I didn’t want anyone, especially
a child, to see me crying. As I walked, I happened to look down and noticed a
penny lying on the ground on the salt covered carpet, surrounded by a group of
people. Typically I would have just walked by that penny….subconsciously
thinking that its value was not worth the effort of bending down to pick it up….but
the little ditty, “find a penny, pick it up, all day long, you’ll have good
luck” came to mind and I certainly needed a bit of luck, although I don’t believe
in luck; I believe in God’s blessings. I
reached down to pick up that penny and lo and behold….lying right there, next
to the penny….in the midst of a room full of people….was my earring! WHAT????? Seriously? Are you kidding me…..there’s people
everywhere….there are children all over the place….I hadn’t been standing at
that desk since early that morning……REALLY?????? Yes! I
reached down and sure enough…my earring was there….fully intact….not even bent
from being trampled on or anything. I
was elated!!!! Thank you God!
I was overjoyed and couldn’t wait to tell Bruce. He was as
amazed as I found that earring. Although
I am incredibly thankful for finding the earring, I am more grateful for the
life lesson involved. God often allows things to happen to us to teach us
things….or perhaps better phrased….God speaks to us in ALL THINGS if we
look and are open to Him. And so… I prayed
and pondered…..what/why/how would my journey be strengthened by a little
As I thought about the little penny lying on
the ground, pointing to the earring, I couldn’t help but think about how many
times I walked by a penny….simply because I didn’t think it was worth the
effort to pick it up. After all, how much is a penny worth these days
anyway? It’s just an insignificant
little coin that the world puts little value on; I’d never pass up a quarter,
or even a dime, on the other hand. Hmmm………I thought, as I asked myself…. how often
I walked by, ignored, or shrugged off that which the world considers “insignificant,
simple, of little worth…” etc. How many
people have I considered, “not worth my time or effort” because they are
different than me? How many times have I
mumbled or felt bad when I lost just a “pound” or none at all, or took just a
few steps when I was regaining my mobility when others were making faster
progress? How many times did I fail to
give thanks and rejoice that I got through “one meal” without giving in to
temptation; or cut out 100 calories, or made just a tiny bit of progress? How many times have I failed to rejoice in
what the world considers an insignificant victory….5 pounds….1 week without a
cigarette… quarter mile….10 sit-ups?
How many times have I failed to say THANK YOU….to God and to others for
the simplest act of kindness….the smallest sign of progress……the littlest
blessings that surround me always? How many sunsets…or wildflowers….or birds
singing….or smiles from strangers have I failed to notice? More times than I care
to admit. AND YET……and YET…..and YET……just
like that little penny….those things that are most insignificant….those little
victories….those individuals that are the ‘least among us”…….often point the
way to that which is of more value. Had
that penny not been there to catch my eye….had I just walked by like I’ve done
countless times…..had I not decided for whatever reason that today it was worth
my effort to pick it up…. I would have likely never found that precious earring
and had I not lost that earring, I would not have had the opportunity to see
how Bruce would react to my disappointment; my accident; my tears. All turned
out beautifully….and once again….God spoke to my heart in the midst of the ordinary.
My friends…. As you continue through your journey, you are
going to encounter times when you feel like you are not making any progress.
You are going to encounter plateaus, set-backs, and periods of stagnation. You
are going to encounter times in your prayer life; your relationships; your job
when you feel like your efforts are futile and worthless. You are going to feel
like it is hopeless and that you are
never going to get where you want to be…..physically, mentally,
emotionally. You are going to want to give up….but I encourage you….when those
times happen….think about that little earring….and begin to look for the “little
things”….those little ‘pennies” if you will in your life….the smallest amount of
progress….the little victories…..and stop and thank God for them…..because
those little things, often overlooked by us and those around us…..will likely point
to the bigger blessings in life. I seriously
doubt that I will EVER walk by a penny again……even if it’s just to stop and
pick it up and hand it to someone else!
Every pound you lose….every step you take…..every positive conversation or
thought you have….every day you are blessed with life….is a gift from God. Rejoice….and be grateful…..for YOU ARE…making
progress and YOU ARE….changing your life!!!!